Ichigo 100% hentai doujin [English], Kozue Panic 1, by Gunma Kisaragi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 13 comments
kozue panic 1 english translated hentai doujin

I don’t know if this is a recent release but I discovered that doujin only today, and guys, I was glad to find it, another good doujin by Gunma Kisaragi, english-translated :P

If you like schoolgirls sex, that hentai doujin is for you :o

(Remember to view the updated list of all Gunma Kisaragi works on Hentairules)

Open the Complete Pictures gallery (or the backup gallery)

Download the Free Zip English Doujin
(26 pictures, 8 MB, English)

Or you can also use the :
Alternative Zip Mirror #1 – and – Alternative Zip Mirror #2

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16 years ago

Blah, kind of getting tired of seeing half of your hentai postings just to be reposts of dounjins at other websites that occured a few days earlier. It’s likely just people sending in stuff and posting stuff from other websites, just changing the filenames so it all leads back here.

It’s all about advertising for your monthly dinners, your company or donations.

Please, post something new, something fresh.

16 years ago

wtf, this thing reads like a re-write. seriously, who does this shit

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

@ Anon : precisely, this is a release by “anon”, as we say, when there is no ref of the commissioner nor of the translator

@ Triqie : lol, next time I’ll do the scanning and translating myself ? Except when you visit the websites of the original releasers like tadanohito or saha, or when you visit specialized boards like 4chan, everything is reports. Most of my shares are taken from torrents (dat., df., etc) and I occasionally visit other websites too, true. The other websites sharing it use certainly the same sources as well. Your comment was just pointless, but funny ^^

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

everything is reports. — reposts, typo

16 years ago

How was it funny? It’s not pointless, cause I’m trying to get you to post more fresh things, and not things I saw on another website a few days earlier.

I appreciate the effort, but in the end it’s a website with content made, translated, but also posted by others numerous times, and then littered by advertisements for your own pocket, and that’s what I regret. Less advertisements and more new things would be more fair to the users.

Lastly, that weekly advertisement on a few hours of free downloading.. Did you even try it? It doesn’t work, it’s just about making money. *sigh*

16 years ago

I don’t really mind if it’s a repost since i don’t really visit any other sites. I appreciate Oliver sharing these good stuffs with those of us that only visit this website. Thanks again Oliver!!

16 years ago

I don’t visit other websites for doujins so I really appreciate Oliver sharing doujins with those of us that visit this website. IMO whether its a repost of other websites don’t really matter because I only check for new doujins and H stuffs here. Thanks Oliver!!

16 years ago

It?s pointless in the way you?ve written it. “Trying to get you to post more fresh things” is such a lame excue for a totaly stupid post that lets you look like a fool.

99% of all pages&forums hentai related live from reposts and stuff that has “already posted somewhere else” still going on a site like this makes finding stuff sometimes easier then lurking forums/translation group websites.

“I appreciate the effort” honestly – you dont if you would appreciate it you wouldnt brag about how someone is getting money out of it. At least for me its ok or better said I dont freaking care because its none of my business. I visit this site every few days and check for something new (or better said something ive missed) and sometimes get something for free – so why in the hell should
I complain about advertisment its not like I?m paying anything.

“Less advertisements and more new things would be more fair to the users” i really wonder who you mean with “the users”. First, if I wouldnt think this site is fair to me i would delete it out of my favorits/memory and would never visit it again , I dont think anyone would care. Second, how can something that is totaly free to use not be fair enough to you?

If you really wanted to get more new things you couldve just asked for it like “Is it possible to get some new stuff?” and then if you were really really lucky someone wouldve answered like oliver above or send you to translators like saha who takes commisions for ~1,50$ per Page.

I mean come on, someone is sacrificing his spare time for such blog and you just complain even if all you do is lurk and leech

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

peace, guys ^^

Point 1 : The essential fact is this : I’m a middle man, I find stuff on torrents, on other hentai websites and on the websites of the translators. What I share will definitely be present on other websites as well. I bring a bonus with the galleries, more download sources, and information about what is inside and some background info about the artist. Anyone not liking is may go elsewhere – but negative comments are welcome too :D

Point 2 : I don’t have enough time to post ten things per day so I must make choices

Point 3 : I prefer quality over freshness, and I post what I reckon excellent (oy by an excellent artist). I’m bound to post fresh things too because they’re what I see most when visiting hentai places.

So I’m not gonna change the way I do, chosing even fresher things would result in lowering the quality of my shares :)

Oh, about the money, if you wonder, to display the ad currently viewable, I received 120 whopping dollars in my paypal. Great, huh ? I made sure it was not trying to inject you a virus or any other shit, and for the rest, if there are people who actually visit that place and even maybe actually pay, I don’t really care, it’s their right… For me, the day where one should pay for porn is far behind.
In a way it’s the same for the ads, when I visit hentairules, I don’t see the ads, because I have set up adblock to my needs. Now that everyone is informed of the existence of adblock and of firefox, when people still see the ads, I consider it’s their choice.

16 years ago

Hi Oliver, Who’s the hot chick in the ad? care to share a name?

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

Hmmm, No idea, JMF, I was just kingly well paid to publish this advert, I have no idea about the rest, honestly…

16 years ago

I just didn’t like the way this was written. The text was too small and shaped wrong for this type of thing. I’m probably the only one who reads these things anyway. ;)

16 years ago

I find the chick in the add super hot myself. But the site it is linking to is rather annoying. But they have sense of humour:

“Are you sure you want to leave?
Yes – You get bonus of free gay porn emails.
No – You go back to our site.”

That just made me smile :D