Kaori’s Secret [English], by Shunjou Shuusuke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 22 comments
Not my favorite Shunjou SHuusuke one

As we all know, 100% of married Japanese salary men work overseas, therefore leaving at home sex-crazed wifes who have to rely on vibrators until the blessed day some helpful family stud comes in and provides a savor cock. Gloria, halleluiah for that cock !

I regret to say I just summarized Kaori’s secret.
Fortunately, graphically speaking, it’s OK, at least in my opinion, and, once again, thanks to Desu and Setebos :)

(For more works by Shunjou Shuusuke, Cf. the list of his works on Hentairules)

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(15 MB, 28 pictures, English)

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13 years ago

I know Oliver’s used this phrase before, so now I will: “Waste of talent”

13 years ago
Reply to  AnonMan

"Waste of talent" – so true :(

13 years ago

Sucks that they make the female fall for such An ASS of a guy to the point where she stoops so low to meet her daily needs. tsk tsk

13 years ago

What a punk.

13 years ago

What a hunk. Fix'd.
That's why she choose him over his hubby.

13 years ago

5 comments and not one 'thank you'. I'll take a poll here next time to find out what you fellows would like me to find and have translated for you. The backlog of things I commissioned and that haven't been released don't ever have to see the light of day.

13 years ago
Reply to  Setebos

Thank you Setebos and Oliver for sharing. hey Setebos I would really like to see what else you got translated do yo have a website? and Oliver keep up the shares! I love this site :D
as far as the story goes if ya don't take care of home someone else will….ya I know it sucks but it happens.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Setebos

Well, at least there were my thanks ;)

You know, from a general perspective, the average internet user doesn't give a fuck. "Thanks ? What for ?"
Of course it's disappointing, but sadly I don't regard this as something likely to be changed or improved, we've got to deal with it. I mean, it's pointless to rage and protest against winter or against rain catching us when we don't have an umbrella, "it's like that and it's not going to change whether we like it or not"…

The file was downloaded a total of 326 times at the time I write it, and look at the number of comments…

13 years ago
Reply to  Setebos

I like works from Shunjou. Especially the MILFs. So, thanks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Setebos

Shit, man, im not disappointed with YOU, but with artist:) As for U – THX a lot and don't mind any complaints. Like I said – those are not about U :) To be frank – with that many manga pieces commissioned by U, there is surely huge chance for one or two being – weak, poor, to say the least.
But I for once prefer to keep in mind all the great dopes from U, not those so-so ones.

13 years ago

Crap! I forgot to thank Desu too… gomen… again thank you guys for all your hard work.

13 years ago

@Setebos: If I was going to thank you or Desu, I’d do it on HIS website, not this one (no offense Oliver).

And furthermore: there are going to be people on the internet that you don’t agree with or like. I thought you’d be used to that by now.

What I said meant that “I” don’t like it. That doesn’t mean that no one else can. No need to get all pissy.

13 years ago

Seriously, wonder why people get married(in general, worldwide). I know latest stats show adultery is incredibly high in the first world nations.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  lollerskatz

Marriage might not make it to the next century. Look, marriage as we know it has been "created" as something linking man and woman for ten to twenty years in average, if not less.
But now, marriage should be something chaining two persons to each other for 3 times longer ? Of course, marriage isn't regarded seriously, this is obviously an unadapted joke.

13 years ago


Does the mother of your child know your feelings on that matter? (not meant to be intrusive, just comical)

Besides, I’ll quote a female comedian. “It’s not about a piece of paper…it’s about a diamond.”

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  AnonMan

About marriage ? Yeah, we share the same idea on the topic. Basically, as long as we're happy together it makes sense, offers an advantageous fiscal status, and simplifies administrative matters (we hate red tape). But if we lose love or will to live together, then our marriage would have to end.

France, my country has applied since less than ten years a new status called PACS, easier to bond, easier to break, without the drama when a marriage doesn't end well, I believe it's the future norm, as soon as it's as fiscally interesting as marriage.

13 years ago

Wow!! this artist really good in story..look at the comment..He successfully make some of his reader in rage mode..Actually this is nothing..trust me(or not) there a lot more annoying but enjoyable work such as sanbun kyoden

By the way thanks for sharing Oliver

13 years ago

@misosoup87: Believe me, no one here was in rage mode. If I had to give it a name, maybe disappointment mode? Even that seems too strong to me…

If you want to see my rage mode, I could very easily direct you to a comment I made on a particular project of Biribiri’s when I looked through the raws and saw the direction the story was going in :)

It’s MUUUUUUCH more fitting for the label.

@Oliver: Huh…they should at least bring that over to the US for gay people…can’t argue “sanctity of marriage” if you don’t call if marriage. :)

13 years ago

The above smileys are meant to be evil smileys.

13 years ago

As unoriginal as it is, its nice to come across.
Graphically i was turned-off by her facial expressions, that just doesnt match her "lips"… but DAM Shunjyo Shusuke can draw a good ass. The fingers, oh man the fingering… fingering a woman till she comes and have her body crazy shaking is an instant boner for me. Shunjyo Shusukes talent is defenitely not wasted here like others would dissagree, i would say its just a tad misguided. 4/5 but il be keeping my eye on this guy, he looks very promising ^^

Ty Oliver for this nice share :)

13 years ago

thanks for the share.. i like shunjou shuusuke's works.. pls translate more.. :D

Mr. Bombastic
Mr. Bombastic
13 years ago

Another work from Shunjyo? DAMN~!!!
Thx for uploading Shunjyo works here Oliver <3
This is the only place I can rely to collect this author's works<3