Musou Sentai Itemaunjya chapters 1-4 [English], + the Complete Japanese manga (211 pictures) in another Zip file, by Kira Hiroyoshi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments
Have sentai mouthfuls, girl !

The following link to a picture comes from another manga but, forgive me, I must place it again, it’s a moral obligation, because we’re dealing with SENTAI HENTAI, for the greatest glory of hilarious stuff !


Dear readers, I’m very glad to share this manga with you, this is a unique UFO, it’s full of WTF, full of hilarious lines, and it’s based on a totally crazy idea, providing lots of laughing moments ! :D
You’re about to witness the life-threatening adventures of an ero-sentai group (sentai = Bioman and the like, OK ? :D ), fighting evil with sex in the name of Good… Oh come on, try to read it please ^_^
Graphically, the style is unusual, but it was kinda good, and despite the cover, there’s almost no tentacles (fortunately !!). And it was nothing short of HI-LA-RIOUS !

I have to express my deepest gratitude to Forset, who gave me a link to the chapter 4 he commissioned himself from Saha, in order to resume where Guzu left (the chapters 1-3). Great job ! :)
If you want the rest of the manga translated, somebody else will have to commission it (contact me if you’re interested but you need information about how to commission a scanlation, or whom to ask). This is why I’m also sharing the complete Japanese version of the manga (211 pictures, scroll down), if you want to take a look at what’s coming next, or if I may convince someone to take the commission upon his shoulders :o

By Kiya Hiroshi, I also share The Noble Illusionist [English, 183 pictures], The Lecherous Membrane [English, 177 pictures] and Beware of Wakana Sensei [English, 174 pictures]

The chapters 1-4, English-translated

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(50 MB, 86 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

The COMPLETE untranslated Japanese manga

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(144 MB, 211 pictures, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Little bonus, a few quotations :)

– « As I thought, this is heaven… Or is this breast fuck hell !? »
« Hold it right there !! Unhand that penis ! »
« You sure know a lot, Pink ! – I read about it an an eromanga yesterday.»
« Believe in our power as Itemaujya ! I didn’t know such a power existed.»
« Thank you ! You’ve ignited my masochist fire ! BEGIN !»

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12 years ago

"Hold it right there !! Unhand that penis ! "? Epic lines like this must be read. xD I'm glad you said this was worth the read. After taking one look at the cover, I would have neglected it post-haste because I don't like tentacles.

Thanks Forse, Guzu and Oliver

12 years ago
Reply to  jaylou1010

LOL that is truly an epic line indeed Jaylou, cracked me up good. Holy crap that new-caster she was totally in the spot for the scoop of the day ;) lol. man this was hardcore, totally digging it, though the tentacles at the beginning we're not my kind of thing but hey it's all good though. that's how they got around censorship back in the day through tentacles.

Well my many thanks to you Oliver

PS. this line made me laugh good as well: "It's not like it's that simple to drink my own cum!!" lol

12 years ago

Nice! The last UFO you recommended ended up as one of the best mangas I've read this year :D

So, yeah I'm reading this =D

12 years ago

looks very promising though i'll just have to wait for the better Tank Versions ^^

fortunately i downloaded some of their old work so good news to me :)

thanks for the share though Oliver :P

12 years ago

Great post. I love Kira Hiroyoshi. Many thanx Oliver.

12 years ago

Well, it certainly is rare, and if it is hilarious I could always enjoy it.

Can't wait till it fully translated.

12 years ago

I love this mangaka a lot! His UFO style is great xD

ty Oliver

12 years ago

I just started it and it's great :D

I want moar chapters :D

12 years ago

bioman FTW!

not these emo posers like power rangers and whathaveyou >:)

12 years ago

This was so funny!

12 years ago

don't know if its cool or not but i found chpts. 1-5 "translated' on e-hentai there is the link but better to wait and download here the (for me anyway) fail miserably at downloading there. A big reason why i like this site so much.

IGO - The Dreamer
IGO - The Dreamer
12 years ago

very intense, han?

12 years ago

bro the links are dead