Some more (almost) random chatting :)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

First thing, sorry there are less shares than of usual, these days.
What a crazy week. I’ve got loads of weird stuff with my work. And there’s the addition of uncool administrative chaos sucking lots of time and energy – I live in France, this in itself explains a lot about administrative chaos, don’t you think ? Just today I spent 2 hours with a welfare agent to fix a misunderstanding made by his administration, and suddenly, while his computer is hanging up loading data, there he goes throwing a rant, trying to promote to me Ubuntu over Microsoft OSes while I wasn’t asking anything… there, I really wondered if everything since last week wasn’t just a dream finally. And then the agent told me I was owing him money, so that somehow felt like the real world again, arrowing you in the knee like that.
Also, sorry I don’t usually respond to comments when I don’t have time, at least, I read them, and it’s quite cool of you when you offer valuable information and links :jap:
TL;DR, my attention span and spare free time for hentai have considerably shrunk, I can’t wait for that mess to calm down ^^;;

There are two shares today, a nice decensoring, and something I should have shared last week already, but for which I only got over the disappointment today (it doesn’t bode well, even though, in itself, it isn’t bad.)

And a nice announcement, as spotted by HurpDurp : The Lusty Lady is dead, but not everything about them is dead. Not sure I should tell more too fast, but, well, you’ve got a brain too don’tcha :3

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10 years ago

There is one constant in the universe, The ability of bureaucrats to screw up just about everything.

10 years ago

And why does we need bureaucrats in the first place?

10 years ago
Reply to  Devspar_Zero

… because as societies get larger and more diverse, the social and logistical needs they have to meet increase exponentially, as do the demands for at least some degree of accountability from the ruling class.

People have the misconception that bureaucracy makes things *more* complicated – in practice, it does just the opposite, by compressing and streamlining complexity so that *people can't see it.* Every once in a while, someone gets close enough to see the civil servant behind the curtain, turning the wheels, and it leaves them unimpressed or angry because they feel like it's a disruption in the illusion that society drapes them in.

This is the paradox of being a civil servant: the only time people notice your existence is when something goes wrong. They sit on the train during a delay, thinking, "I can't believe this, I'm ten minutes late! How dare those track workers be so slow!" But when the trains run on time, their minds are elsewhere. Never mind the track workers doing emergency night repairs because of a discovery made on a spot inspection; never mind the bureaucrats who count the screws and the bolts and the pieces of rail and put in the order for more spares at appropriate junctures; never mind the policy experts who fine-tune 900 page pieces of legislation so that we have a clearly established set of regulations on when to buy the spares and how many to keep in the storage room.

Bureaucracies are human creations, they are imperfect – they hide corruption, inefficiency, and stupidity. But those things happen without bureaucracy, too, and arguably, they happen much more. The thing is, bureaucracies also keep records of their own problems, in triplicate, so that it can be rooted out and the associated problems can be solved.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  gka

Nicely written, Gka.

But we also must be honest, and mention that when something starts dysfunctioning within the administrative machine, suddenly it's a big mess.

I'd also mention Terry Pratchett's saying, that in the past we kept the masses in order with big heavy clubs. Now, it's less painful, we use heaps of paper pages.

10 years ago

Ollie's Modern Life. Kinda like Rocko's but without the 600lb steer as a best friend.

Every time I go through bureaucratic hassle I think of that old 90's show.

10 years ago

No need to apologise Oliver, everyone knows you have your own life, being able to host this and post shares everyday is a miracle itself.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  hoccus


10 years ago

Signs of life in the Lusty Lady crew? You tease. You’re gonna make me look stuff up on the intermajigger?

10 years ago
Reply to  Hage
10 years ago

Can only assume that was aimed at me, Hurp. Not sure why ya sent me back to the previous post though. No changes jumped out at me.

10 years ago

Or maybe you were just reminding me of that Lazarus link I meant to get to before but got distracted and forgot. Thanks.