Hentai Rules : work in progress !
OK guys, I’m in the process of making the website work again, with a new blog and an improved layout.
It’s still gonna take some work, but we’re getting closer
If you’re new here, for your info, I had my blog at hentairules.blogspot.com before blogspot kicked me out, too much traffic on a porn blog containing advertisements. I then decided to buy my own domain, pay for my own hosting, and here I am :o
If you have suggestions, feel free to post a comment !
love the site man, including the endless choices and the special “tit”bits, keep up the good work!
A little history learned about this blog.
sigh, yet another test
HAH, i made this natispam plugin work at last !
Good luck with your website, hope it works out for you.
dude, wtf
Sorry, but I could not resist (it’s a sickness).
I accidentally clicked on the last button while surfing the site, and went dick mode to leave a comment on your first post.