The Great Escape, by Miray Ozaki
(Remember to view the updated list of ALL the works by Miray Ozaki on Hentairules)
Miray Ozaki is one of my favorite drawers, really. Representing teens shining with so much lust, so easily taken by sexual frenzy, slaves to their desires to such an extent… And drawing them so greatly, wow. A side detail : women’s sexual parts are drawn very realistically, that’s rare. Just wow. Awesome mangaka.
Here’s one new manga I got very recently, The Great Escape. I have had its first chapter (under another name) for years, and now, I saw the complete set as a new manga, isn’t life great ?
Update : life is even greater now that I found the english-translated version of chapter #1, available here
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Or download it in zip : Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 (58 MB, 186 pictures)
Ufffff. at last. Sorry for no comments before.
Imposible in the other link.
Thanks for this.
“Imposible in the other link.”
-> Errrrr ?
2nd link doesn’t work pls help^^”
Indeed. I reuploaded it again and added a .zip megaupload mirror
Were you aware that there is a second volume of great escape? As well as great escape xxx which is a one chapter sequel? I dont believe they’ve been translated…
thanks for your work!
Sorry to bother you, but the link for the mirror 1 is broken and file not found.