Lust [English], by Tenjiku Ronin

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments

This is Lust, by Tenjiku Ronin, the whole nine chapters. I regret that all my other comic books by that artist are in japanese, that’s the only one in my possession that’s translated into english.
Very hardcore hentai manga, enticing stories, deep and complex, and god! those chicks DO show lust, they do all kinds of sex along the pages, including anal (oh yeah, plenty of that), domination, incest, cat-girls.

By the same artist, Tenjiku Ronin, I also share the highly controversial La Bête Obscène [English, 142 pictures]

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(26 MB, 213 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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manga is good
15 years ago

The link to the downlading page transfers it to another site, that has nothing to do with the hentai

15 years ago

broken links

14 years ago

Good news and bad news: The main link works. Bad news: Missing last page!

I had to go to Google to search for another distro to get the missing page.. WhyldGoose was the scanner of that one.. problem is a number of his scans are blurry (old scanner, probably).

Anywho, thanks for sharing, just a heads up for others who may download this…

13 years ago

Complex you say?

this is gonna be good :P

12 years ago

um …. seem like guro .. lol … or not ./…