Sei So Tsui Dan Sha [English, Uncensored and fun !, 234 pictures], by Shiwasu No Okina

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 40 comments

Shiwasu No Okina's BEST hentai manga EVER

(Remember to view The Updated List of ALL Shiwasu No Okina’s Works on HentaiRules)

This is the english translated version of “Sei So Tsui Dan Sha”, by Shiwasu No Okina. And this is one of my all-time favorite hentai mangas. No less.

600% hardcore, 0% censorship, double-fucks, orals, boobjobs, bondage, anal, lolita, big tits, incest, futanari, group sex, ultra-sexy heroines with a strong character, a hero so cute I have to admit it even if I’m hetero, groupsex… AND MORE ! There’s more exceptionally good hentai stuff than anyone could need. Plus, it’s in english and the scenario is hilarious, thrilling and rich with laughter bursts :)

Update, for the manga nerds, in the end there is a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure parody ^^ Spoilers inside, so only open them once you’re done reading : from here (Sei So Tsui Dan Sha, page 166), to here and there ^^

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Click here to download the .zip version
(76 MB, 234 pictures, english),

Such a work of art deserved more mirrors to make sure everyone can get it :
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2

Update : you may also appreciate the flash animation (motion comic) made from Sei So Tsui Dan Sha, available on that page :twisted:

shiwasu no okina rules

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17 years ago

Dude I want to die. I had an animated-colored-flash-manga of this and I deleted it last week -_- I had it a looong time and I don't remeber where I got it.

17 years ago

Holy cow… the flash-thing had only part 1, I didn’t it was that crazy, awesome.

17 years ago

Heh, good, then :D

17 years ago

This is the BEST hentai I have read in my life.I love the art and the sense of humour.Amazing.I’m looking for more works of Shiwasu no Okina.

BTW,congratulations for the web.I love it.

Greetings from Spain.

17 years ago

OMG, that is just too funny. I laughed my ass off. It did get a bit long in the tooth in the middle, but stick it out to the end.

17 years ago

hmm.. i downloaded the three parts and did the “extract here” with winrar but it says one of the file is missing? something like .r01? something like 01 or yeah.. any help?

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Jung : Yeah, the winrar version is split in 3 parts, part .rar, part .r00, part .r01
And when you have all three together in the same folder, it should work…

17 years ago

I can’t download part 2… wierd :-/ Is somethnig wrong with it?

16 years ago

links don’t work

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

Erm, try again, the links worked on my end when I tested :o

16 years ago

i must say this is a great manga, but why do you like it so much? apart from the incrdibly hot bride scene and that hillaious rolling sit fuck it is as good as another great ones, why this is tht outstanding to you? personally shining musume is a bit better for me, even tho i dont like tentacles

16 years ago

Ahahaha… this gets mad props for the surprise ending XD

16 years ago

The links aren’t working again. seems to be down.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

@ Anonymous : the download links work again now :o

@ Assman : I love the incredibly well drawn and hardcore detailed drawings, the hilarious scenario, the quality of the various female bodies… It’s a marvel :D

16 years ago

Personally, I’m a bit disappointed by the plot in this one, but then I’m a person of gentle heart and domination ain’t my thing. The art is top notch, though. Easily some of the best quality around.

Still, it’s easier to browse around knowing what you like and why, Mr. Admin :)

16 years ago


Gee, i laughed so hard on that part…

Anyway… this is one of, if not the, funniest hentai i’ve ever read… well, even if it wasn’t that funny [nonsense, yeah, but…], at the end it was… the only appropiate comment i could make is one of the epic-win sayings… OMGLOLWTF

…that describes it pretty well…

As for the flash version, too bad that only 2 chapters are released. I hope it will be more… the “mom” moment animated will be… truly epic.

Retinal Rapist
Retinal Rapist
15 years ago

*In old Kung-Fu movie voice*

“My Anguish has ended!”

“My Penis has returned!”

“The Dragon slumbering beneath the Earth, HAS AWOKEEEEEEN!!!”


Super Saiyan cock warrior Ryu. Lolz.

But yeah, I likesk it. This manga was funny as fuck, and a nice twist ending. M. Night would be proud.
O my fuckin’ god that shit was hilarious!

15 years ago

All the links are busted in one way or another. The depositfile constantly thinks I’m downloading from it already. And the rest are f’d up. Just so you know.

15 years ago

No download links -_-. Can you reupload?

15 years ago

I love this hentai!! It’s absolutely hilarious and the plot; well I’ve never seen anything like it. I used to have this on my computer but then it got deleted and I have been searching for it ever since. So now I finally found it!! Thank you so muc for putting this for download! It’s just awesome!!!

15 years ago

Great manga, and the ending is quite the thing!


15 years ago

That ending was super lame.. o.o

15 years ago

This was the funniest hentai piece I’ve ever read. I finished reading it about three hours ago, and still I go around the apartment, finding myself at times saying MOM aloud and bursting out laughing. :)

15 years ago

Psst. Thanks for the upload man. Just wanted to let you know, the download link for mirror #1 leads to a different manga.

Shining Musume Vol 4. Was just a WAT moment for me. Though I never object to more hentai. xD

Keep up the great work, man.

15 years ago

Thank you for posting this! I had it awhile ago (censored though) and deleted it by accident. Glad to have it again.

15 years ago

I deleted this by accident a while ago and didn't remember to get it again… I can't forgive myself from doing that!

15 years ago

the link aren't working….please reupload…^_^

14 years ago

*hugs Oliver*

13 years ago

This was great until the part were the guy gets his dick back. I was looking forward to seeing him get fucked in the ass but it NEVER happened

13 years ago

aawwww, oliver…. the file on hotfile has been removed….

12 years ago

You prolly already knew this Oliver, but I just found out, on pg 166, mom's pose is a direct reference to jojo ch 177, when abdul came back. And here i thought only black dog was a big fan of jojo.

12 years ago

Best. Ending. EVER!!

This COMPLETELY TOPS everything I've ever read on this site. The story was hilarious, the characters were interesting, the drawings were fucktastic, and DAT ENDING! Too freaking hilarious! I can't believe I missed out on this for so long, considering how I decided to watch the animation on a whim… I'm glad I'm taking Japanese classes and know enough to understand the context, but MAN! The animation did this manga SO MUCH JUSTICE, and made me pick up the manga as an insurance on the dialogue! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AMAZING SHARE, EVEN THOUGH ITS BEEN HERE FOR THE LONGEST TIME.

11 years ago

"600% hardcore, 0% censorship, double-fucks, orals, boobjobs, bondage, anal, lolita, big tits, incest, futanari, group sex, ultra-sexy heroines with a strong character, a hero so cute I have to admit it even if I’m hetero, groupsex… AND MORE ! There’s more exceptionally good hentai stuff than anyone could need. Plus, it’s in english and the scenario is hilarious, thrilling and rich with laughter bursts "

damn this might be the perfect H-manga yet!!!!!!

thanks for the share Oliver!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

Gonna dl this again :)

The description is PERFECTION!!

11 years ago

WHOA, I'm still reeling from that one! :D A golden scenario, cute girls, sex that changes with every turn of the story, apropos humor; this manga sure does cover all the bases! (though in what, I won't say XD). From start to finish this was absolutely captivating, but I especially loved the happy, wild, harem-type ending. <3
Oliver, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this share. ^_^ Just so much thanks, really.