Three complete mangas, english and japanese, by Kaori Saki
A little bit of another mangaka, Kaori Saki. One english-translated manga, and two other original books by him. I like the way he draws female faces, their expression during sex looks very realistic, with that false appearance of pain that can sometimes appear on women’s face when they lose control… (I hope noone ever comments my face in such times *cough*)
Kaori Saki, Sweet And Bitter, ENGLISH (that belongs to a larger manga called Himegoto. If you have it in japanese, please, i’m interested, really ! There’s a “contact information” category, or leave a comment !)
Translation group who released that jewel : Hentai-Enishi
Open the complete pictures gallery or download it zipped (60 MB, 86 pix, english)
Kaori Saki, Shoujo No Kisetsu :
Open the complete pictures gallery or download it zipped (32 MB, 163 pix, jap)
Kaori Saki Sweet Pain Little Lovers
Open the complete pictures gallery or download it zipped (50 MB, 178 pix, jap)
Thanks for the report, SunC
I reuploaded it, the links are now working
Found You Himegoto! In Jap. If you're still interested here's the link:…
It's all there. All 222 pix.
BTW: Nice Face, Hon! ROTFL!!!
PS: It's worth commissioning it for translation and uncensoring!
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Thanks for the link
Personally, I wouldn't commission futa, but well, to each his own ! ^^
Can't blame a girl for trying. xD
Second 2 links are busted 6-15-07
broken links