DeruDeru ChiChiNesu, by Mitsuya
Here is my favorite manga by a mangaka that I already like a lot, Mitsuya. The title is DeruDeru ChiChiNesu. The artist represents very well the faces, not so realistically after all, but they really express desire well, and the girls look much more asian than the average manga girl. The sexual action also takes places in very various places instead of just bedrooms, with heroes that are NOT students, that’s also a fresh change.
You can :
open the complete pictures gallery or download the manga zipped (56 MB, 191 pix)
Hello, the download file for doesn’t work anymore. Just so you know that.
Thanks for telling me, Nara !
The broken link has been fixed. I saw the gallery is mainly dead, I’m also busy reuploading.
is it possible for you to reupload this one? I’m a huge fan of Mitsuya
Links are dead.