Make a donation?

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 17 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I’ll be honest, money is not needed, hentairules has advertisements and most of the zip hosts share a part of their revenue with me, with it I can already pay my blog’s hosting and the other fees, there’s even a small bonus left that I use on beer and on the occasional scanlations I commission myself.

Rather, if you are in the mood to spend money, I would encourage you to go for 3 possible options:

-1- Become a paying member at a website sending money toward the creators, such as Fakku, 2D-Market, Project-H, for instance. You know the drill, they deserve it, etcetera, it may be a repetitive and boring drill, but after all, hey, it’s true.

-2- Commission the translation of an hentai manga from a translator, hit me up with an email and I’ll gladly send you a list of their contact info and explain how the whole thing works. Maybe it’s time that particular artist you like has more of his works scanlated, hmmm? ;)
In my eyes, it’s a win for everyone, as eventually that means one more hentai manga becomes available for everyone.
Alternatively, if you want the censorship removed off a manga you love, I’ve also got contacts for you.

-3- Click on the ad banners there are on Hentairules when it’s something that caught your eye, and buy that thing, that will convince the advertisers the ad spots are good for them, and you, you’ll have gotten things you like.
Pretty shameless of me, but if you haven’t used a tenga in your life, it’s an interesting experience (unless you’ve got a large dick, those Japanese toys don’t do well – having to duct tape them shut kinda kills arousal, some say – then, in that case, try an American fleshlight even if it’s much more yucky in appearance).

I’ve been occasionally encouraged to start a Patreon, but let me ask you, did I draw what I share? No. Do I translate things myself? No, at best, I pay for their translation, and that money comes from the ads. So, once again, your money is better spent elsewhere ;)

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Slim Joey
Slim Joey
15 years ago

I’ll sign up at then, if it just costs me 1$ that’s cool. Thanks for everything you share !

15 years ago

Was a member of adultfriendfinder 4-5 years ago. 99% of people there are spammers and webcam scammers. There is bigger chance on sex on the plane with a stranger then finding a date there :)

15 years ago

Just a tip for anyone who might actually read this.

If you are willing to pay $35 through adultfriendfinder, it would be cheaper to just sign up for the 3 day trials multiple times. If you sign up for the 4 listed, that is only $4 out of your pocket, but $100 in Oliver’s.

Mind you, I don’t know how hard it is to cancel, but it seems like it is worth mentioning.

up at 5am
up at 5am
13 years ago
Reply to  mocliamtoh

So wait, if I sign up on 7 different credit cards for 4 dollars each, costing me 28 dollars, oliver gets 400 dollars? Sounds like a fucking deal to me.

14 years ago

paypal frowns on all adult-related stuff hell even romance novels are a no-go sometimes
i used to have a site and use epoch for my ipsp. just a suggestion if you really hate paypal:

13 years ago

Hi, after using your site for some time (I discovered it while peeking at my younger brother´s computer) I decided to make a donation. I thought I´d sent some money by Paypal. Once I read your explanatory post, and Paypal not being an option, I decided to do the 1dolar-1 day (not 3 ) trial. It was a BIG dissappointment. Firstly, once you´ve paid (by Epoch) you discover that "trial membership is limited" or some shit and you can´t actually download anything unless you upgrade. I did browse for a while and couldn´t see or download any video. No big, deal, as I just wanted to join and quit for your benefit. However, when I tried to cancel the subscription, the problems started for real: Epoch´s webpage took forever to load, or gave errors (I have a nice broadband and don´t have that problem anywhere else). Then the instructions were messy, probably on purpose (confusion between transaction ID, user ID and site ID, the live chat tech support wasn´t working) when I finally got to cancel, (over an hour) I got an on-screen message but no e-mail. I e-mailed them explaining the situation and asking them to confirm the cancellation, but I didn´t get a response from their "24/7" customer support. So just to be sure I had to cancel my card and order another one from the bank.
Very annoying. Anyway, congrats on the web, I wish there were an easier way to suppott.

13 years ago

Thanks to you. I like your site, and I like your style.

12 years ago

Small question.

I thinking about getting deposit premium account. Do you get something when I come from your site or buy it using your coupon? I like to help the website.

12 years ago
Reply to  Senador

If you live in the United States, no. If you don’t, he does.

Also, make sure you use his coupon and get to the purchase page from one of his uploads.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Germany. So we good :)

Thanks for the anwser. I will do that

11 years ago

Hi there… um… I'm a lurker and this is probably only my second comment ever but just wanna say that I have been on here for YEARS and feel decently attached to this site you run. I would donate or would have if there was no risk to my card or no cost/lengthy process to donate.

11 years ago
Reply to  Victor

>No cost to donate.
B-but how do you donate without spending money…?


Also, lengthy process? Risk to my card? The hell? Paypal is a well known, well respected company owned by Ebay and the "process" is literally just one page. ಠ_ಠ

8 years ago

sadly the live jasmin link does not work anymore :/ not for me at least

3 years ago

You’re awesome. I’ll click on all your banners.