Redirection Page : Yuki Seto’s (世徒ゆうき) works on HentaiRules

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 11 comments
Tags: glasses

THIS is the page I will update with the list of all the works by Yuki Seto/Yuuki Seto that I share on HentaiRules.

Yuki Seto has been on the hentai scene for quite a long time, even if he made relatively few works, each of them has had considerable success, and that’s not surprising given their “intensity”. There are even h-animes that were made after his mangas !

Allargando [English, 238 pictures]

Stretta [English, 183 pictures, Uncensored Tank version]

Accelerando [English, 191 pictures, Complete]

Stringendo [English, 217 pictures]

Amamori’s Spear [English, Uncensored]
Context: there are two versions of Amamori’s Spear.
That story has been bundled in the Allargando manga, republished with superior tank scans, less blurry, of superior quality.
However, those tank scans are – for the moment! :twisted: – censored, while the inferior quality scans of the present standalone version of Amamori’s Spear have been decensored.

Amamori’s Weekend [English, Uncensored]
Note: Sequel to the above.

Amamori’s Note Zenpen [English]

Amamori Note Kouhen [English]

Level C [English, Uncensored]
Context: Just like for Amamori’s Spear above. there are two versions of Level C.
That story has been bundled in the Allargando manga, republished with superior tank scans, less blurry, of superior quality.
However, those tank scans are – for the moment! :twisted: – censored, while the inferior quality scans of the present standalone version of Level C have been decensored.

Level C Minus [English]
Note: Sequel to the above.

Round Glasses Counter-Attack [English]

The Princess And Crow 1-2 [English, Complete, Uncensored]
Context: Just like for Amamori’s Spear and Level C above. there are two versions of The Princess And The Crow.
That story has been bundled in the Allargando manga, republished with superior tank scans, less blurry, of superior quality.
However, those tank scans are – for the moment! :twisted: – censored, while the inferior quality scans of the present standalone version of The Princess And The Crow have been decensored.

Level D [English]

Chitose [English, 221 pictures]
Please note, this is the tankoubon version, with high res images sporting very little censorship.

NEXT are the hentai movies made after Yuki Seto’s works.

BUT I’ll be frank : don’t waste your time : ALL the video links are probably dead, and since they’re reported in a week maximum (forcing me to do yet another painful reupload every time) when I reupload them, I gave up and I’m not fixing these movie links anymore.

Accelerando hentai movie episode 1

Accelerando hentai movie episode 2

Stringendo hentai movie in two episodes
(called “Blow Jober”)

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17 years ago

The link is broken :(, can you fixed?

17 years ago

which link ? Unless you noticed, this is a redirection page here, you should have posted your broken link report on the page where something was broken :)

17 years ago

hey any chance of getting Stringendo in english? it looks good, but i cant read a damm thing. lol please!

17 years ago

If i Had it in english, be sure I would indeed share it ^^

16 years ago

WOOO! Ep. 3 for both Stingendo and Accelerando comes out at the end of May!

16 years ago

some of the image is not available… :(

15 years ago

I can’t believe you don’t have a copy of Stretta hosted here. I found a link to the japanese raws on mediafire.

15 years ago

I don’t know if this will be useful or not but, hentai fap has all three hentais with subs. Unfortunately for you, they’re all censored. And “Maybe I’m/You’re a Beast” animation is called Stretta. Follow the url: Totally free streaming and you could download, but just make sure you give credit if you’re going to embed it, put it on your site or whatever.

And yes, I’m a female. Come to your site all the time. Love it lots ^_^. Keep up the good work! :D

15 years ago

Just so you know you can download Accelerando uncensored but unsubbed at also a lot more stuff is available on that site too.

6 years ago

Level D!!!!