Display problems ?
A visitor told me the hentairules.net’s display was focked with him. Please, if that is your case too, can you leave a comment to inform me ? I NEED to know if many people have it or not. Please, i’ll be grateful if you help me with a bug report (I might even grant you an “upload this please”)
Edit : on that page I’m asking the question again, because I made a few modifications to the code, so the discussion continues there
Which FF is he/she using maybe it’s know bug off FF and he/she have to upgrade the FF
Apropos displaying could you change the display so the table shown on screen 1 was in center and the others one on left and one on right ?
I tested my website with firefox 1.x and 2.x, Opera and Internet Explorer, with windowsXP and MandrivaLinux, and never saw this bug. I’ll ask the person, though…
About the display I won’t change it, I think it’s much better for the navigation to have content stacked on the left and navigation on the right, when you get used to it it is more intuitive.
And that caused maybe +20% in the clicks on my ads
I’m using Firefox, works perfect for me, also check resolution (mine is 1024*800)
hehe that was only suggestion if its +20% more effective it’s good
If you use http://validator.w3.org/ and enter the site’s address, you’ll get 144 errors.
Although it works fine in IE and Firefox for me, that issue the initial person is having could be because of a bad plugin – ADBlock comes to mind. If they have it set where it collapses blocked ads, then that might be the issue.
Hope that helps.
It works fine for me.. I only notice one problem with the background some days ago, but now works fine.
tested the site with firefox 1.x & 2.x, i-explorer, torpark and opera on winME, winXP, vista; ubuntu and debian linux..
actually I’ve experienced some minor problems under linux.. when clicking the ‘comments’-link, the replies wouldn’t show..guess that was a bug on my system though – which I think is also the visitor’s problem.. a bug in his/her (^^) browser..
I suggest reinstalling it and see if the problem still occurs..
this site ruleZ btw!
Hey man!
The site’s working fine here, but I think You should try to upload the movies in another server! That one’s pretty slow here and I’m even on broadband!
Anyway, wonderful site, keep up the great work!
I don’t have such problems…
I have this problem.
I’m using fire fox using IE6, however, didn’t give me the problem
Thanks for reassuring me guys
@ Bugei, a note : that validator is evil, I learned html in 1997, and it judges my site with 2007-based criteria
Aw, I didn’t see Solar’s commentary.
Could you please tell me if you have “relatively rare” firefox plugins ? What’s your screen witdh ? If you chose to “force” the fonts size and name ?
I’ll try cheating on my layout, grabbing a few pixels’s width in each of the columns, that might be it…
I don’t think I have rare plugins. I have foxy tune skin, mcafee, and flashgot. nothing facy.
my screen width may be the contributing factor as my screen resolution is 1600×1200
I don’t understand what you mean by “force”
Is there a way where I can just some how post my settings for you to see? if so, how?
Using Opera 9.21, viewing is bad, like the left image in the question.
Running fine on IE and on the last firefox 2.
wrks very well. thank you!