Wish Of My Sister [English, Incest, 178 pictures], by Itosugi Masahiro
I already shared two english-translated incest hentai short stories by Itosugi Masahiro : Hana-Bi (fireworks) [English, Sister-Incest, Uncensored], and Valentine Gift [English, Mother Incest]. A short time later I learned that Hana-Bi was part of a larger manga, called Oneechan No Onegai. And recently, I was sent a link to that english translated manga. I’m sharing here both the translated manga and the original one
You are to expect great cute teens (not lolicon however, that isn’t welcome on hentairules) experienced or not, with normal bodies (meaning no XXXXXXL breasts, no MILF, etc.), there is also cross-dressing (men dressed as women and used as a sex toy by their family relatives and schoolgirl friends), and a bit of futanari (dickgirl) in the last chapter. The themes are mostly sister-incest and hentai initiation.
As of usual, there are two zip links and a full pictures gallery, for each of them.
UPDATE : I’m now sharing the COMPLETE and UNCENSORED version of this manga
It is available on THAT page, enjoy
yah rapid share is nice too though
hi, thank you very much for all your hard work and all the hentai stuff you have offered us, and I wanted to ask you if it is possible to make the easyshare or zshare as you main upload site because deposit files has too many pop-ups and you have to wait 60 seconds.
Thank you
rapidshare… please… T_T
Rah c est chiant, parfois lorsque l on essaye de telecharger un truc sur depositfile, c est impossible, parce que ca renvoi sur la page d upload :s Mais bon ca te fait des clics en plus
Merci quand meme et vivement d autres liens plus pratiques ^^
He, he, Oliver estuvo buena, muchas gracias man!
?Rapidshare?, jejejeje si Deposit Files es grandioso, yo obtuve nada m?s que 256Kbs de descarga!!, solo usen los mirrors dentro de Deposit Files… Dios… Ya estoy pensando en hacerme Gold porque las Hentai que consigue Oliver valen cada Dolar!!
Asi que dejen de quejarse y bajenselas horas antes de que las vayan a utilizar con las manos!!
(In BAD english)
Hehehe, Oliver, this one was really good too, thank you man!
Rapid Share??? Hahahaha… Deposit Files is great. I Had 256 Kbs download speed so, why do you don’t just use internal mirrors Deposit Files have?… Jesus… I’m thinking on upgrade to Gold member because the Hentai that Oliver Found on web value each Dolar!
So stop complain and download it BEFORE you are going to use them with your hands, hahahaha.
Oliver, Again, thank you!
The thing is Julio, depositfiles don’t always have internal mirrors, at least for free downloaders, and their main has very slow download speeds…
I have over 1.5mb connection but I still get trickles of 10kbps with their main link.
I was pleading for rapidshare becuase
1) people get great speeds there, though there is the delay after the download…
2) Oliver was aiming for premium user on rapidshare.
if i was totally being a leech then I would have said ‘please use megaupload…’
Thanks for the upload, interesting manga though unfortunately it’s incomplete.
JeanMouloude, Je peux telecharger sur deposit file, si la page renvi?s-vous sur upload section, ferm? la page et telecharger autre fois.
x.x I hope you understand hehe
dont use rapidshare. its the dumbest thing to do just use damn mediafire i dont know why ppl still use rapidshare..
cant us the dl link
The link “download the zipped version ( http://depositfiles.com/files/gp73zlic3 )”, leads to “Such file does not exist or it has been removed for infringement of copyrights.”
The link “the Alternative Zip Mirror” leads to “http://img161.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=72004_000_123_635lo.jpg”
At least for me.
Tried twice.
Also there are images missing in the gallery , no backup gallery available.
When Will Those 2 bugs be fixed?