Shining Musume 1-2-3-4-5-6 [idols, groupsex, anal, double penetrations, Country Musume Parody], hentai mangas by Shiwasu No Okina
Update : This series is now fully translated! Please use the redirection page to find the links to each volume!
Update : This series is now fully translated! Please use the redirection page to find the links to each volume!
Sorry to bother you but when i try to download the chapter 5 he let me download only a file html named EN. Can you reupload it!
(I apologize for my bad english!!)
Hey, other guys, does part 4 also bug for you ? Can you test ? For me it works, but if Bleh isn’t the only one with a screwed link, then i’ll do a reupload.
Who knows, maybe the link died, even if, for me, with my gold account (offered for free to big uploaders), there isn’t a problem.
omg i love this artist but i cannot speak japanese :'((( please i want a english translation
Chapter 3 is now working, Thanks alot for your hard work!
there seems to be a problem with the third zip, though it could just be my end…
Oh, and awesome post!
The Volume 3 download link doesn’t seem to be working.
one of the few artists whom i don’t mind reading in japanesse, thanks fella had the 1st volume only so SCORE
Just a quick heads up Shining Musume 3 download links not working it just redirects to a create your own domain
Oliver, thanks for the updates, any chance of a Megaupload link for us 56kers?
Awww man! I wish you had an English version.
the download page isn’t coming up for chapters 1,4,5,6.
this is just great mate, by any chance will the english one come?
BUT thanks for this
Any one can tell me the 6th volume is the last of series or not?
Look like it fulfill the story.
@ Pincher & C & Ceezy : sure, give me 12 years to learn japanese, and I’ll make a translation XD
@ Daggoth & A & C & H : thanks for reporting, I fixed the wrong redirection
@ C : thanks, but you could also say thanks to the original uploader of most of the pack (actually, everything but volume 6) who submitted me the files, Jacobsinger He doesn’t want his email publicized, but he said he’d be checking on the comments.
@ 56ker & D : well, the files were submitted by someone else, and if I give mirrors, his files will receive less downloads, he won’t be credited from this. So that’s a dilemma. If depositfiles only offers mooload as mirror in a week or two (mooload = impossible to dowload more than 20 bytes before the download fails), then i’ll consider offering mirrors.
@ Lupe : the files worked when i tested and every one of them got plenty of downloads, so I think the best is that you try again
@ Haze : graphically, that sounds like it, yeah, but we’d need the opinion of someone talking japanese here :-/
OK, as I said, if it’s only Mooload, then I can offer a mirror.
Mirror added
Oliver, please try to do something about the third Volume. I could download all the others, bit I can’t get the third one because of mooload. That’s depressing…
Yay, works fine now. Thanks a lot for the quick help.
Les 3 premiers chapitres sont d?j? traduits et dispos sur ces liens mediafire (je sais, je suis chiant avec mais j’essaie de te convaincre :D) :
Par contre, si tu veux les publier sur ton site, il vaut mieux demander ? la team hentai-enishi qui les traduit car comme toute team, je ne sais pas si elle appr?cierait qu’on diffuse son travail sans lui en faire part :p.
rapidshare/megaupload mirror please. thank you
@ JJ :
Read the comments, JJ, unless Mooload is the only available mirror, I won’t do reuploads here because that would spoil the work of the person who submitted me the files.
@ Yuki :
Je t’aime
Je les mettrai 12c4 sur mon site en partage, ?a en vaut le coup. Hentai Enishi a ses fichiers partag?s partout d?j?, donc ?a me va. Quand il y a un fichier de cr?dits je le joins religieusement, comme ?a on sait qui l’a fait, mais ce qui me lourde un peu c’est que les fichiers que je trouve “de seconde main” (upload?s par d’autres sites hentai comme le mien) sont souvent sans cr?dits, le webmaster jugeant qu’il perdra des visiteurs s’il laisse les cr?dits <_<
Great Post!!!!!
the 2 Shining Musume 2 (32 MB, 225 pictures, japanese)
zip link doesnt work it is temeporay unavaiable service
never mind its working now
I cant read the words of japz so can you English translate please?
Sure Schamo, just give me twelve years to learn japanese
Please pretty please DONT use DEPOSITFILES, its really bad in some parts (VERY low speed and availability) or at least make mirrors in rabidshare or megaupload.
Thank you very much for everything! Love your site! :-)
well nevermind anymore, it works now
somethings wrong when i try to download chapter 4, it keeps sending me to a few different sites after i click download
For a few more untranslated works check out this link
Even though I can’t understand the website text, the Megadownload links worked.
Any chance of uploading these excellent works at easyshare maybe? Pretty please with sugar on top?
please upload an englisch version as soon as you can
Thank you for the great share! …more please when you can.
Anychance of getting the rapidshare (zip) version of these?
man this is great! love shining musume! could you upload it on megaupload or megarotic?
how do i cancel this program to be installed and get to the dling part
plz tell how to bypass this crap
Are the download links are broken?
Every time it’s –
Links are dead, man.
Only link there, man.