Five more hentai doujinshi [about Sister Princess, Pangia, Pia Carrot] to illustrate the talent of Unagibori / Rego Yokoi / Onomatopeia

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
unagibori maid titfuck illustration After Patchwork, by Rego Yokoi, 165 hentai pictures translated into english, I felt like sharing a selection of 5 other works by the same artist, when his pen name was still Unagibori or Onomatopeia. You coud call that another illustration of the artist’s talent !

I do hope you will enjoy them, that artist really has some talent – except the way he draws eyes :D

You will see teens, maids, waitresses and cosplay girls, uncensored or almost uncensored scenes, and some rather hardcore scenes, where anal or double penetration is simply natural.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Pack in a Zip file
(35 MB, 199 pictures, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

More precisely, this pack contains :

Pangya 95%, a Pangya doujin (9 MB, 32 pictures, japanese)
From Pia to Piapia, a Pia Carrot doujin (5 MB, 32 pictures, japanese)
Obbigato order, a Pia Carrot doujin (7 MB, 45 pictures, japanese)
Dual Process, a Sister Princess doujin (8 MB, 61 pictures, japanese)
–  Granitic Will, a Sister Princess doujin (4 MB, 29 pictures, japanese)

As you can see, not all of these (*cough*) are in english. Please, if you know of other translations of works by Unagibori / Onomatopedia / Rego Yokoi, apart from Patchwork, share the links, drop a comment with it :)

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