The Night Trial [English, Incest], by Cuvie
(Remember to view the updated list of all Cuvie’s works on Hentairules)
Yet another sister-incest story by the great Cuvie, I feel the day is close when the totality of his manga, Delicacy, will be translated
As of usual, two different zip links and a full pictures gallery. I have very little time so that’s all for today, cheers
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(3MB, 18 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Happy leeching, Julio, happy leeching
Detrivor, I always considered the pictures galleries as a preview version, while the zip is the real thing, so if only 1 picture is dead, I won’t budge
It’s only when more than half the pictures are dead that I do a reupload – and alas, that sometimes happens :-/
nice, but can i get the 10th picture, the gallery won`t show the pic
Yes, Cuvie is a great artist, I haven’t see the rest of his material (work reasons) but, Let’s wait for it’s translation!
Thanks Oliver, I’m downloading now!
Oh, our translation group just did this story too…
We’re focusing on Cuvie stories, although we’re not really sticking to one book at a time.
Then congratulations Littledgn
Could you please give the link to your translation group ? That will be even better if people can have it
(and for god’s stake translate something other than incest from time to time
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We use torrents instead of direct download sites, btw.
The links have been fixed
Picture Gallery link doesn't work.
picture gallery doesnt work