Futari De Obenkyo [English] + My Little Devil [English] + Non-Stop Kenmochi Sensei [English], by Jingrock
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After Shampoo, an english incest hentai story that I liked very much, I felt like sharing more english-translated hentai works by the artist who made that, called Jingrock. It took me a while but finally here they are, my 3 other english-translated works by Jingrock, enjoy :)If you like schoolgirls, tanned girls in swimsuits or ultra-large tits teachers, you will appreciate this pack ![]() |
–Update: save Futari De Obenkyo, the two other works now belong in Adolescence Is A Sexual Excitement Period. See the list of Jingrock’s works, linked just below, for the link to it.
(For more works by Jingrock, Cf. The list of Jingrock’s works on Hentairules…)
I share the 3 works in a single archive, and in a single pictures gallery.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(17 MB, 56 Pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Just a remark : this time, the archive name is VERY long. If you’re asked for a password when you decompress it, it’s a bug – there is no password. Just rename the archive to a much smaller name (like h.zip for instance), or even move it to a folder closer to the root of your partition.
Zip mirror link for “Futari De Obenkyo” points to Non_Stop_Kenmochi-sensei at Depositfiles
These are def. very nice. Got me hooked on this mangaka.
On a completely diff. note do you have anything by Otsuka Kotora? I just read his Volley Ball manga from HT. Was great.
Also I found 1 Gunma Kusaragi comic which wasn’t posted here. Translated > http://www.imagefap.com/gallery.php?gid=895867&gen=23
please fix links
muy bueno espero que envien mas imagenes
i have another Jingrock translated manga, the continuation of Kenmochi Sensei, but im too retarded too upload it? i can’t seem the select the folder, just always 1 picture? if you help me, i’ll upload it for you.
Well, Leopold, that would be totally cool to share it
You could just zip the folder that contains the pictures and voila ? I think that even windows by itself is able to create a zip (you mustn’t be inside the folder, that’s all, right click the folder, and chose something like “archive”, or “compress”… As for me, I’m using winrar with great ease everyday
You can upload it to the host of your choice (I think easy-share and depositfiles and rapidshare have the simplest upload forms), thanks a lot if you can ^^
Sequel to Non-Stop
The link ti the sequel of Non-Stop is dead… is a re-upload possible?
the links will not work for me thay send me to http://jing2uc.9hz.com/
All the download links go to another website which does not provide download service.
Same comment as Treasoner100’s.Could you be so kind as to reload Jingrock’s works,some day ?
Merci infiniment.
you guys are doin a great job, i give u super props. Can you pls fix these links.
The links have just been fixed
Sadly, all the download links are dead !!!
links please :O
Futari De Obenkyo does belong to “Adolescence Is A Sexual Excitement Period”, though; it’s the third chapter.