Piledrivers and Memories Of My First Love [English], by Yuzuki N’ Dash
Here comes a funny hentai story, with a LOVELY girl : she has big sensitive tits, glasses (not enough girls wear glasses in the hentai world IMHO ), loves anal, and just a side note, she performs piledrivers when she’s pissed off
And as of usual : complete pictures gallery, two zip links.
(MOAR! For more stuff by this artist, Cf. The List of Yuzuki N’s Works on Hentairules)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(6 MB, 20 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
I really liked that one, any chance someone knows the name of the artist ? Even untranslated, i’d be happy to leech some of his makings, and having a name helps searching
– Updated, the mangaka’s name has been added, my thanks to Leto
This doujin is actually by Yuzuki N’who has done a lot of other hentai stuff.
I know that Ghost Member parts 1 & 2, HSS, and Onii-chan’s A Worry Wart all have translations floating around.
Yay, thanks Leto
I have Ghost Member indeed, the pictures gallery is already uploaded, I am planning to zip and upload it soon.
), so thanks even more 
I didn’t know the artist’s name too (screw the people creating torrents with incomplete folder names
The gallery is perfectly working for me, JJ, what is your error status or message ?
the image gallery isn’t working for this. Are you going to reload it?
It’s not working on Internet explorer for some reason. Works fine on Firefox though. Thanx
Here is a upload of the whole manga by Yuzuki N’
Title is Akarui Eros Keikaku, entirely moonspeak.
Here is a link to the full manga by Yuzuki N’:
Not translated at all.
Title is “Akarui Eros Keikaku”.
Probably translates to “Bright Erotic Plan”.
Damnit, not again.
I’ve been looking for this manga for awhile and was overjoyed to see you have it.
then I tried downloading it and I must agree with you the former domain owner of 9hz and usercash is one Magnificent Bastard, probably a Fabulous Bastard.
anyways any chance of this mangas links getting fixed soon?
‘sigh’ still not fixed, you must not get many people interested in this one to justify reuploading it.
Ah well.
Gallery not working anymore. Goes to free porn videos now.
Links dead~
Dead Link.
Both the download links point to some porno site. Pls check.
augh. The Link is dead. plz update. this one looks good! >.<
Thanks for all the great shares!!!
It’s superb! It’s funny and it has an anal sex!
linkz are dead
http://www.mediafire.com/?mjmwzdazmod or http://rapidshare.com/files/63577039/Yuzuki_N__-_Piledrivers_and_the_Memories_of_My_First_Love__English_.rar
The links have just been fixed, thanks for the temporary mirror Bob
can u translate all the Akarui Eros Keikaku . I read the j version saw it wonderful one !
this girl without glasses is much prettier and more suitable for the guy
links are dead
links are dead