3gp and PSP (mp4) hentai videos, anyone ?
Hello there !
I’m just wondering if you guys would be interested if I added to my hentai vids a 3gp version, so that it can be viewed on mobile phones ? To play on your computer normal formats are better, but if you want it on your mobile phone, it’s got to be 3gp. I won’t add 3gp versions unless I get enough positive replies, so here comes the poll
(to view the results, click here)
Edit & update : In the comments, Playstation Portable (PSP) videos were suggested too, so here comes a second poll – as for me I wouldn’t mind, conversion is as easy for me.
(to view the results, click here)
Edit & Update 2 : Thanks for your participation, guys (and girls ^^) ! I received enough positive replies, so I’ll try to add those versions Please, tell me if they worked for you ! The first hentai video with additional 3GP and mp4 is here
I would love to see some mp4 hentai or porn for the ipod that will be GREAT!!!
3gp converters are everywhere already, i think you should take a break and let the leechers do it for themselves.
xilisoft is decent btw
i would prefer psp version(.mp4) of hentai video rather then 3gp. 3gp is easy and simple to convert. i believe many people out there own a psp n wish for hentai on their psp. besides mobile phone screens is very small and most likely cant see it clearly, psp is clearly better and more worth while.
I agree with that. If someone really wants porn on their handy they can convert it themselves.
wtf why waste time doing that
Thanks for your input, guys
You know, not everyone can make a conversion or know an easy program to make it, that could make hentairules more original and interesting for new users, and it’s also search engine friendly, these are the reasons why i’m considering it.
But if too few people are interested, I won’t give a fook… Well, i’ll see !
I added a poll for psp versions, Unknown. But well, converting is as easy as for 3gp, in my eyes…
I dont think you should waste your time…i mean people could just use zamzar.com to convert, but then again if it will help your community and get more people than go for it.
oh didnt read the comments, yah mp4 might be nice. Cuz than you could throw some movies on your zune or ipod. But a large majority of the zune community, cant say much for ipod, have enough common sense to find a converter (esspecially since it can only play wmv and mp4 files :] ).
yea, i think the option of mp4 vids would be nice
(btw i think that no and i don’t care are two different answers >_
pssh my comment was cut off right at the end
Well, there were still a few positive replies, so I’ll give it a try with one or two vids, I think.
BUT now, I need advice on the formats…
I want to ask you guys, is there some special settings for mp4 subversions so that it may work in Ipods, PSPs and Zunes ?
My usual mp4 conversion settings are, video : mpeg4, 320×240 VGA, 14.985 fps, audio : 64 kbps mpeg4aac 2 channels stereo 22050 hz.
I suppose those are correct values, but it’s hard to be sure, given I own none of these machines
@ Zwagon : Haha, it’s because simple html is allowed in the comments, and it seemed like you were starting some html code
i just use imToo (really is Cucusoft Ultimate DVD Video recorder) you can download the trial and check it out. It has a specific zune mp4 convert, same with ipod, and has 3pg conversion aswell (its prety fast and is only 25-30$). It also comes with dvd ripping aswell. Just a note zamzar has 3gp and mp4 file conversion fast and free (under 100mbs though, over cost money and the mp4 conversion works on the zune player.
IDK if this helped you or not, just thought it might help.
If you put an okay button near the search bar that will, I think, make the site Wii browser compatable