Computer issues, please, some patience :(
My computer died a few days ago, so please some patience before I can upload hentai again, thanks
Update : OK, the motherboard is dead, and because my other hardware is too obsolete to work with motherboards on sale nowadays, I will also need to change the CPU, the graphic card, the RAM, and even the power unit because the previous hardware barely had enough power, while the new one won’t have enough at all. $$$ and more $. Fuck it >_<
Update2 : 370€ paid, 555$, no restaurants this month
Update 3 : my controller card (required to handle my herd of IDE hard disks because the new mobo is SATA-based) didn’t want to let the computer boot, it has been replaced with another one, and this time it seems to work : windowsXP is currently being installed to a new SATA HDD (I’m using here wifey’s laptop). Soon, i’ll be back ! Just give me time to install all drivers for all hardware, plug-in all harddrives, install mandriva linux again, tweak again Xp&Nux by copying software config files from old to new HDDs, copy personal settings, copy personal files, restore advanced system config, then catch back 5 days of late work that should be done in emergency (i’m running my own company with my wife, so when the company loses money, I lose money), and I will be done
Thanks for your encouragements in the comments, guys :-/
Noooes I can’t survive without updates
shit, that sux, good loock for u =]
i come here 2 times a day
mostly the only thing i come here for are the updates and downloads
that sucks for your computer though
i wouldnt let that shit happen to me though
check the power source and temperature at cpu/ram/northbridge… maybe thats the reason…
wish you luck!
man sry to hear, u have rly made this site into a work of art! i hope that from some amazing tree, a mother board falls into ur lap =D!!!! GL!
chin up, pal. and good luck
Oh, very sad newds :'(
I hope to see you soon !
By the way, does your wife know about your hobby ? MDR
Good luck then, we’ll wait for you to come back to work! See you soon ( with a new moderboard )
lol outsider is right does your wife know about your hentairules acount and hobby
t’inqui?tes, on sera patient ^^
tu fais du bon boulot en nous proposant tout ?a et pour ?a, tu m?rites notre respect
Newegg will probably be your best friend at the moment for shopping for a mobo. There are some really good ones out there for about 175$, if your paying more then 300$ then its probably not worth it (for what your doing). At least you didnt loose all yourstuff, you should just be able to move your harddrive over and boot with the xp cd.
Thanks for the comments guys
Finally, besides the mobo, i’ll also need to change the CPU, the RAM, the graphical card and the power unit, isn’t it marvelous, I was precisely wondering where to spend the millions I earned at the lottery.
Oh, wait, I didn’t win the lottery ? Fuck it then !
About my wifey, yeah she knows it and didn’t care much until recently, and when she discovered hentairules made a few bucks, she encouraged me to upload more hentai She’s not the shy virgin type.
The rest of the family doesn’t know, though, I offer my kids, wife and stepmother and stepfather a restaurant meal once per month with the earnings from hentairules.
Imagine me asking my stepmother “can you imagine how many geeks fapped themselves so that you can eat these tortellini salmonata ?” – no ? Well, I can’t imagine it myself either
bad to hear and Lol at the restaurant comment ^^
WHAT EVER U DO PLS DO NOT SHUT DOWN THE BEST SITE IN THE WORLD FOR FREE HENTAI!!!.. p.s i will kill the preisdent to help funnyest line ever
I bet that would be a lovelly dinner talk.Whey ma is that steack juice enough for ya?.
Keep up the good work and think positive..
At least youll get a new pc with a warranty and not a upgrade that could last a year or two tops..
though luck for ur pc, but hey, there might be something better happen after that!
cheer up, we need u bro! n gl for finding better pc!
ah yes, if this is your first time havin ur pc blown up, ive through worst!
Everyone click on all the advertisements!
Daily! It’s the least we can do :-D
Can’t you whip the motherbord ? She may like it, then work again coz’ your too nice with her !
(Though… this is just some kind of kidding…)
Wish ya good luck !
this is a serious problem… this is the only hentai site that i always visit.. because of the daily updates.. wish you luck dude.. if i have more $$$ i can buy you a bnew pc lol =-/
yo.. long time dint update dudes… good news.. i found Kisaragi Gunnma latest work.. Mai favorite 3.. here.. for the fans.. hehe.. Im a huge fan of this guy… Oliver.. sorry bout your comp dude.. wish you luck.. here it is.. Mai favorite 3..
if any problem.. email me..
good luck man! and i hope for the best! wish you finish your work fast and well, we shall await your return. ^_^
I’m very sorry for your bad news and hope your computer gets running soon.
Courage!! Bientot le bout du tunnel^^
Good to hear about update2!
But dont forget you have to buy the best of the best now, just a decent mobo now. Later you can get a better cpu and memory. Than a better hard drive and video card, followed by a PSU (probably wont need that much power till you get the video card or if you get a really kick ass cpu). IDK, it’s what i do for my systems, it gives them more longevity; just need to make sure you get the latest chipset mobo (LGA775 i belive). But you know what yoru doing, doubt i even needed to say this.
Later gator!
@ Nohbdy :
Well, Nohbdy, I’m no more the hardcore hardware fan I was when I was sixteen, i’m perfectly happy with changing computer every five or six years, and even make the computer live longer if it is possible. So the theory “small hardware updates is cheapter” might be good for you but not for me, because in five years the industry standards make dramatical changes that forbid small replacements. For instance : AGP -> PCI express, IDE -> SATA, the CPU’s bridge is different, same for the RAM…
@ Lama :
A shining light in my sea of darkness, thank you
@ Elvy :
I don’t know about whipping, but a good punch on the side is indeed known to solve 33% of otherwise absolutely unsolvable hardware problems. Bad luck, it didn’t work here.
@ Triqie :
YAY ! Excellent idea, click the ads once per banner per day during 35 years and that will pay the new hardware
(just kidding, I won’t complain, thanks ^^)
OK, now windows is being installed, that means the computer will be soon back up (I updated the original post, see for details), and very soon i’ll resume uploading more hentai for you pervs
Yikes! Sounds like a really bad crash :x I have worked on computers for years now, so I know how much it sucks. You have my support!
Sounds like you have a good bit more config work to do upon getting everything reloaded than I ever do, though. For me I just use a nLite disc with drivers, updates & software on it and reload my system about every 3 months (habit from being in the computer repair business…OSs just corrode over time it seems).
I know you already bought everything but if I can recommend anything it’s the LGA775 socket that Nohbdy mentioned. When Intel’s new quad-core chips release, you’ll be able to upgrade to a new proc with little effort. I’m like you, I drop the serious cash every few years on a screamin’ new machine so it will last me a little while before becoming obsolete.
Anyways, good luck on getting everything taken care of!
is it me or are most links down on this website?
i get this message:
You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
Which has never happened before. Anyone help plz?
Bonjour, (je me permet d’?crire en fran?ais ;))
Tout d’abord je compatis pour votre crash /o\.
Comme j’ai perdu deux de mes disques l’ann?e derni?re, dont un qui avait 5 ans, et un autre 3 ans je ne peux que vous conseiller :
– de BIEN v?rifier l’alim (c’est con les probl?mes qu’on peut avoir avec une alim … comme perdre des disques XD )
– De faire des sauvegardes r?guli?res.
Si ce n’est pas d?j? fait bien sur.
Comme vous travaillez, entre autre, sous linux, je vous recommande de d?dier un disque (ou une cl? usb, vu le prix des 4Go maitenant) au backup avec rdiff-backup (backup incr?mental). Comme ?a les fichiers importants sont sauvegard?, et les modifications aussi
(et pour parachever le tout, de faire une copie /mois/ans/… sur un support externe style disque dur externe, cl? usb, que vous entreposez chez quelqu’un d’autre ou sur votre h?bergement. Si il y a une inondation, d?but d’incendie ou autre, les donn?es peuvent ?tres r?cup)
Perso je suis plut?t debian. Mais sous mandriva , si vous utilisez kde (par d?faut), il y a sans doute l’interface graphique qui se nomme “keep” pour effectuer les sauvegardes r?guli?rement.
Sinon le paquet backupninja, avec la commande en terminal “ninjahelper” aide aussi beaucoup.
For those who want absolutely engluish, i recommend him to put in place a incremental backup solution under linux, if it wasn’t already done, by using software like rdiff-backup and its frontend “keep” or “backup-ninja” and “ninjahelper”.
Thanks again for the encouragements ^^
After many many hours, my computer is back to working conditions, it was a living hell to configure everything, backup programs, program settings, copy important files back…
It’s not my first time having dead components, neither it is my first motherboard, but this is however my first time a motherboard old by “two computer hardware generations” dies, which forced me to upgrade nearly all my hardware.
The worst and longer to solve was “jumper hell”, and with 6 hard disks + one DVD burner, five former IDEs (four plugged on a PCI controller card recognized as RAID and one behind the dvd burner in IDE) and one new SATA, believe me, that makes many jumpers For god knows what reasons, the HDDs jumper configuration wouldn’t work on the new hardware even with them only and in the same places as before, and when you add a new SATA drive which forces you to modify disks placement in your whole computer tower, it becomes another hell. I still don’t know why, but half the usual “master with slave”/”slave” settings were fooked up and when one of the disks was recognized it sometimes made another not recognized anymore even though the master/jumpers were correct by their indicated positions on the HDDs… master-slave hell on a high level ^^
I was on the verge of buying two other 400 GB sata drives and put all my stuff on them.
I guess the next trouble will be a dead hard disk, it’s been six years none of my disks died, a sort of record given their extensive use
I’ll resume uploading hentai very soon, sorry for the long wait ^^
Oh, to the puzzled people, the weird language was french encouragements by the french Merci les gars
I know, I’m a little late. But to no avail, this is very interesting:
It’s basically an ITX-Board (could fit in your pocket) with an integrated 1,2 GHz Celeron (Core2-based), graphics and sound. So all you need is stick of DDR2-Ram, something to store your data on and a puny power supply to complete a PC.
It may not be suitable for your need, seeing as you basically own a server with loads of drives seeing as it retails for about 50 euro here it’s definetly interesting
Yipee !!!!!!