Errr ?
I need a fast reply : does hentairules display OK for you guys ? For me whatever I try the css doesn’t load, I wonder if my theme hasn’t been killed or bugged for some reason.
Please, can you add a comment to tell me, fast, if it works as of usual for you guys ?
Update : discussion continues in the comments, auto-moderation might cause your comment not to show until approved.
Update2 : OK, thanks guys, I’ve got enough feedback to understand something is fooked on my end. Since I reinstalled windowsXP a few days ago firefox has been failing to open pages more and more often, forcing annoying refreshes of pages, and now some pages seem to be impossible to load correctly. Deleting profile, uninstalling, deleting folder didn’t change anything. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried the install of the megaupload toolbar, maybe it’s something else, go figure ! Thanks for the confirmations again, now i’ll have to test and see what’s bugged again
Update3 : I still don’t understand what’s bugged, I’ll figure it out some way or another, *sigh* Thank you VERY much for the confirmations and encouragements
Yeah no problems here. Usual display
18/01 20H36, pas de probl?mes de mon cot?. Le site s’affiche tranquilou.
oooooooook, this is bugged in IE and firefox, but not in Opera.
Works for me on IE.
OK, thanks guys, that means everyone but me has access to hentairules ?_?
What’s that shit, I mean, besides, I hate the browser Opera
And does it work for you guys with firefox ?
it works for me with firefox ^^
loads fine for me, looks just like it usually does and i am using Firefox
yup, it works with my firefox.
It’s showing fine for me, and I’m on firefox as well if that has anything to do with it.
Goood for me
works fine with IE6 and IE7
firefox 2.0 user here, everything looks as usual
Firefox, displays ok.
For me works well…as usual. I use firefox.
I’m with Firefox and it’s showing the site smoothly.
looks fine to me
it works fine ,no problems on IE.hope the prob. solves soon.
Try taking the megaupload bar away, I also installed it and now I get errors here and there were it shoudlnt be
yes, i have a mac and i use bonecho (like firefox)
its also fine for me and i am use Opera as well
… but the old one (v.7.23) ;-)
firefox displays ok.
contents are superb.
neeeeeeed mooooooore…
keep up the good work!
Im running Opera version 9.25, and everything works fine on my side (+ I’ve blocked some rather useless banners )
Are you using the adblock plus add-on for firefox? I had some troubles with your page using it at one point.
im using netscape and firefox and when i try to access hentai rules they redirect me to the quantcast page…its quite annoying XD
i use firefox but i don’t have any problem in display.its like the usual.
hmm….I’ve visited this one, but still its in
perfect shape in firefox.
Works fine for me. I know from experience the Megaupload toolbar itself is a spyware that will screw up your browser and MORE pop-ups will come up
Yeah, it displays perfectly on firefox… No problems here dude…
Man, don’t worry ^^ i would never complain about your Site, really. It’s Great work! Go on as you wish, you’re doing very well =) *nice guy pose*
Hi there.
The only strange thing I notice in Firefox is that the 2 columns with links and ads on the right are shown BELOW the posts. In IE they show fine. I’m not sure why this happens but it might be due to some Firefox extensions I’ve got or to the minimum font size I chose.
displays ok. Maybe you could try to clear your internet cache in FireFox
Maybe it’s your Firewall!
displays as usual for me
Well, the same for me : no problem at all !
voici une erreur que je re?ois :
Avertissement : Propri?t? ? texte-align ? inconnue. D?claration abandonn?e.
Fichier source :
Ligne : 0
Je travaille en d?veloppement web, et j’utilise tous les jours ces outils : add-on pour firefox : 1) web-developper : (
2) firebug : (
3) aardvark : (
Ils devraient te sauver bien des ennuis
I think one of your addons or plugins might be the cause of your errors. Tru disabling all addons, and see if it helps.
Fine for me on XP pro with firefox, no display probs at all.
Hi there.
My display problem turned out to be caused by the the minimum font size I chose. I had recently changed it from 10 to 12. Changing it back to 10 solved the problem, which wasn’t so big, anyways.
Health and good hentai for all.
Once again, thanks for the comments and information
I still don’t know what went wrong, but after removing all firefox files including profiles, reinstallation another version, removing it entirely, reinstalling the latest version, removing entirely the firewall (kerio sunbelt) and all its files and reinstalling it…
It finally worked, FFS !
I gave up on understanding and made “the total thing”, just to be sure. Now it works again, phiew !
Thanks about aardvark BTW it will come in handy