Poll : how far do you prefer english translated hentai mangas ?

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 4 comments
in Categories: Just Talking, Polls

I’m curious to know the opinion of my readers, so here comes a poll, feel free to reply and add comments :) Basically, now that so many english translated hentai works are and become available, I wonder to what extent untranslated hentai works are still considered interesting. As for me, I prefer so much to understand the story that I discovered, almost shocked, that except for a few great artists and for 4 or 5 random good surprises per month, I had stopped downloading untranslated hentai mangas :shock:
And you ?

Now that so much english translated hentai mangas are available, are you still interested in raw (untranslated) hentai mangas ? (multiple replies OK)
No, I’m not interested any more by raw contents
Yes, I’m interested as much as before in raws
I’m not as much interested as before
Raws ? Only for works by GREAT artists, now
I don’t care, I like it translated AND untranslated
I’m a bloody bastard able to understand japanese :D

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16 years ago

Hi there.

I just want to say that I agree with our dear admin –now that there’s so much translated hentai available, my interest in untranslated hentai is limited to works that really catch my eye and to doujins of certain animes I like. That’s all. I virtually stopped downloading untranslated hentai. I really prefer to understand the story, although sometimes it’s pretty straightforward or almost non-existent. :)

16 years ago

I prefer untranslated – the point is anime hotties having sex. Having intelligible dialogue and story actively makes the manga less sexy because they’re invariably distractingly stupid. It’s the same reason I watch porn with the sound off. Unfortunately, when the manga is translated I can’t easily avoid reading any of the text.

you know
you know
16 years ago

i prefer translated.not able to understand what the story well i know there usually isnt any story at all but whats being said makes it more intersting.i never downloaded untranslated excepte once which wasnt intersting

16 years ago

I dont quite understand the question however:

I much prefer my doujins to be translated.