Hentai CG, Pick Me Honey [Uncensored and Anal]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 37 comments
in Categories: Computer Graphics (CG)
Uncensored and anal hentai CG with free zip and complete pictures gallery

Uncensored computer graphics sets are very rare, I’m really glad I could find that one :P

If you know where I could find other complete sets of uncensored CG hentai pictures (not random pictures, but real full sets), please share the link :twist

zip hentai zip hentai

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Download the Free Zip English Hentai CG
(7 MB, 118 pictures)

Alternative Zip Mirror #1 – Alternative Zip Mirror #2 – Alternative Zip Mirror #3

There’s an american studio releasing uncensored versions of japanese censored CGs, his name is peach (cough) stu (ahem) dio (dot) com (if ever I can share some of their works, I don’t want them to google their name and find me). If you know where to find some of their works, thanks to share it too, I’d love to be able to share that kind of thing on hentairules :twisted:

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16 years ago

Hmmm… I was going to nitpick that you got the name of the game wrong, but I take it you changed the name intentionally to avoid trackback, huh? (“Up” should be “Honey”).

Well, also just nitpicking, it’s G (hack) Coll (ahem) ect (cough) ions (dot) com, not Peach (cough) Stu (ahem) dio (dot) com [which should actually be Peach (cough) Princ (hack) cess (dot com)…]. For practically every game they translate, they uncensor the CG, this one included. Peach and Kitty do the same.

16 years ago

Sorry, where are my manners? Thanks for the upload. Longtime visitor, first-time commentor.

16 years ago

I clicked on the “download the complete post…etc” link and got no futher. I have an account with depositfiles, so I don’t think it was them.



Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

About the name, I had gotten mine like that, I’ll do the necessary correction, thanks for the report :)

@ Hellion : yeah, I love downloading one gigabyte of stuff in order to get 50MB worth of pictures in the end :D I hope some people already share the pictures only, somewhere :o

@ DarksideX : interesting information ! However, the website you gave doesn’t work ?
I tested various combos, including the hilarious http://www.cgcollection.com but none seemed to work…

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

@ Fenrisar : I forgot to reply to you, my bad !
Personally I’m not interested but it might interest other readers, so feel free to give a download link to the game if you want ;)

16 years ago

i’m getting a really weird message that says “We don’t allow software hits on our links and you will be banned for the rest of the day.

The only unusual software I have running is Zoomtext Extra which is a magnification and speech program, (I only have partial sight). I’ve got Flashget running, but that’s all.

Any explanation? Heeeelp!!!


16 years ago

well heres the link for the Folder on Megarotic (i see they made a mess of thr list, but everything should be there)

Currently working on getting it up on to Mediafire as well, Only have CD1 there, CD2 is upping as i type


16 years ago


note to self, next time, don’t forget the Megarotc link… >_

13 years ago
Reply to  Fenrisar

Do you think you could reupload the game?

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

Nice, Fenrisar ^^
I’ll update the post with your links so that even people not reading the comments (they should :twisted: ) may see your links, thanks :)

To Muffing : er, from what host, depositfiles, megarotic, easy-share, usercash ?

16 years ago

I actually have This game…want Download links for it?

16 years ago

The name of this isnt “pick me up”, its “Pick Me Honey”. At least that is what the official version of this bishoujo game is. Not a bad one either.

16 years ago

no there not that rare, just have to get one of the h-games ported to english, which also get uncensored, and rip the cgs. Also, the title is “Pick Me Honey!”, if you care.

16 years ago

Yo. I didn’t post the actual names or links since I had a hunch that you were trying to avoid trackback searches. Since everyone else is posting the actual names and links, I may as well…

The actual title is “Pick Me, Honey!”, developed by Trabulance and published in English by G-Collections. G-C’s website is at http://www.g-collections.com/ (sorry — I forgot the hyphen with all the *ahems* and *coughs*). I’ve finished something like twenty of their titles. Some have good art (practically anything from Zyx as well as Come See Me Tonight 2) and some have great story (Kana and Crescendo). Basically, they cover every degree on the romance-novel-to-hardcore-porn spectrum. Diehard pervs will hate the stuff on the story-centric side because of the relative lack of CGs, whereas the more prudish people (ie: me) tend not to like the stuff on the hardcore side either because of disturbing content (Tsuki, Virgin Roster) or gratuity (Let’s Meow-Meow!). On that note, The Sagara Family probably has the best of both worlds if you don’t mind turning your brain off for a while. Decent, if unrealistic, story and very nice art.

The other two publishers I mentioned were Peach Princess (http://www.peapri.com/) and Kitty Games (http://www.kittymedia.com/), if you want to check them out. Peach Princess and G-Collections are both owned by J-List, so don’t be surprised if you see the G-C stuff on the PP site. There are also a couple of yaoi titles listed in their catalog for those who are into that sort of thing.

16 years ago

okey, first of all, thanx 4 the lovly game, I have it, but my mate can only upload the game, is there a keygen anywhere ? ^^

16 years ago

I don’t understand how to run it, the help file won’t work. Mind telling me how?

The Helper
The Helper
16 years ago

Long story short, i’m trying to help you out. The real place to go for uncensered cg sets is http://www.alphahentai.com. Although their layout sucks, and it might involve some digging, it’s worth it and i think you’ll find what you’re looking for =]

16 years ago

ok, i have no idea how to install diz. i ripped the file using magiciso, but when i install it halfway through it asks me to insert game cd (which i assume is cd2) but i don’t know how to get it done

16 years ago

eh ok i solved that problem. uh whats with the virtual mate thing

16 years ago

Lets see here…

To install

First, it’s a split archive, unzip/rar cd1, cd2 and the crack

Second, mount the .mds files with DeamonTools or similar program

Third, Install the game, and Virtual Mate (i don’t know what it is but the game wont work without it)

Fourth, add the Crack in the folder where you installed the game

Fifth, start the game and Enjoy yourself :wink:

16 years ago

Thanks for the help.

16 years ago

yeah thx Fenrisar. uh virtual mate is some sorta online encryption for offline play of the game. so basically, everytime u play the game, u gotta key in the product registration code.

but its useless here so all u want to do is just add the crack & it fixes this prob

16 years ago

thnx for all the help Fenrisar but i was just wondering if you could tell me with a lil more detail on how to mount the .mds files with deamon tools cause i don’t get it :S also thnx for the good work

16 years ago

sorry about the deamontools thing, I got it now ^_^", I'm a lil new to this ^_^" but yea I got it but I'm stuck at another problem, whereits done 51% then stopped and asks for game disk and i dunno how to add the crack code :(

16 years ago

Ok I fixed the other problem, teh game is downloaded but I dono how to add the crack, someone please help, I’d really appreciate it, cause without adding the crack everytime i press play it says “Failure to execute Virtual-Mate Launcher” or maybe I’m doing something else wrong, please advice ^_^”

16 years ago

just go to the folder where you installed the game

take the OSANAML.EXE out of there (not necessary) and drag ‘n drop the cracked OSANAML.EXE in to the folder

if you didn’t move the old file just rewrite with the new one

that SHOULD be all

16 years ago

ummm…. ok well i have 2 OSANAML.EXE files one in the crack file folder then another inside the Ny mapp folder which is also inside the crack file folder

16 years ago

well anyway i added them both by rewiting over the old one but then it still won’t start, whenever i click on it it would say “Failure to execute Virtual Mate Launcher

16 years ago

well don’t add the one in Ny mapp…thats the same as the one Already in the installation Folder..i just forgot to erase that one…

only copy in the OSANAML.EXE in the first folder of the Crack and rewrite the one in the Installation folder

you can erase the Ny Mapp and it’s current contents >.>

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

I should have warned you, Fenrisar, that you should have to do the technicall support afterwards ;)

BTW, I fixed the title of the pack.
If you guys find a link to another downloadable uncensored pack, let me know ;)

16 years ago

Ah, well as i’m working in a computer service shop i’m used to it >_>

16 years ago

I’m so bad at this -_|||
oh fenrisar would you happen to have msn messenger, because then you could help me using the program in messenger where you partly control my computer, and then you could help me with this
if you do have it add me my msn is [email protected]

16 years ago

so do you have msn or not?
or is there any other way possible way that you can help me :'(

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
16 years ago

Pietro : NEVER do that, say you’re open to having your computer remote-controlled, this is senseless and dangerous !

16 years ago

Although it's in no particular order (and this is a very late reply), there's quite a bit to download here at http://www.hentaicgs.net/ Most of the archives unfortunately require a HentaiKeyGT account, but there's still a good deal that's free.

16 years ago

Sorry to reply so late, and I apologize Oliver, I didn’t quite know, I’m not the greatest person with computers and thanks for the advice I’ll keep that i9n mind the next time. ^_^. Also, this game rules!!!

15 years ago

The CD 2 rar is corrupt is there anywhere else to get this download?