Sailor Moon hentai doujin [English] : Goo Goo Dolls, by Black Dog
Here’s another english translated hentai doujin by Black Dog, Goo Goo Dolls, with Sailor Saturn and Sailor Jupiter with the relentless train gropers. I hope you guys enjoy this one, even though personally this isn’t one of my favorites (furthermore, in terms of age, I wouldn’t have allowed it from any other artist than black dog è_é ). Good news though, in exchange for Goo Goo Dolls, I received the link to another english translated Black Dog doujin I didn’t have yet (Baby Face), I’ll soon share it too
(Remember to view the updated list of ALL Black Dog’s shares on Hentairules)
UPDATE : from now on, you will find a BETTER VERSION of Goo Goo Dolls, re-scanned and in high resolution, inside the compilation called The Grateful Dead
And now, I guess my next Black Dog share will be the English translated version of Baby Face
Do you have an updated list of the black dog’s doujin you don’t have in english ? Because I thought that everybody who love dlack dog had read baby face… So I may have some other doujin you don’t have.
To begin with you can find another translation of baby face here :
Have a good week-end.
And in fact you already shared baby face in gold experience…
Baby Face is in Gold Experience ? ^^;;
btw Sailor Mars are with Hotaru (Sailor Saturn) not with Mercury >_>
Woops, indeed, I mistook the two chicks, I fixed it, thanks for reporting it
It’s weird, though, there’s such a difference between a totally fuckable awesome babe (Mercury) and a brat that should be kicked from any hentai doujin because she’s flat and too young (Saturn), there is nothing to compare. Why did I invert the names, go figure !
yes, but isn’t in the manga sailor jupiter lol
btw have u seen che link to the sailor moon pack that i have posted?
i think there is a great dojin of blackdog that u don’t have >_>