Redirection page : Digital Accel Works’ works on Hentairules
THIS is the page I will update with the list of all the works by Digital Accel Works that I share on Hentairules.
Digital Accel Works draws mangas and doujinshi with, always, huge proud bouncing pointed tits, belonging to girls who deeply enjoy very hardcore action (double penetration quite often) and bukkake (massive facials). Without exception, these stories contain no foreplay (girls don’t need them) and no scenario (or, if there is one, it is crap and meaningless). DAW makes awesome full-color works too, even if most of his stuff is in black and white.
If you want a better scenario at the expense of the actual sexual drawings, maybe a few of you don’t know yet that DAW is also behind Highschool Of The Dead :o
Here are the covers of the works by DAW shared on hentairules, and next (keep on scrolling down !) are the links to the gallery and download pages :
Quite a long list, huh ? But it’s finished, below this line you’ll find the links to the pages with the actual download links
Chou Jigen Senkoutei Inazuma Hyperdimensional Submarine Inazuma
+ Inazuma Lip Stick [Both in English]
Pack of 3 works:
Inazuma Sanshiki Yuugou Dan Inazuma [English]
Semen High [English]
Lightning Pop [Japanese, but no dialogues, it’s a full-color long artbook]
Inazuma Black Delivery [English]
Inazuma Marchen World [English]
UNCENSORED version of Fire Power [English]
Komachi 100 Shiki [English], pretty cure hentai doujin
Inazuma Under World volumes 1-2 [English]
Under 300M [English], a Gurren Lagann doujin
Thunder Dome [English], an Onegai My Melody doujin
Pack of 12 untranslated works by Digital Accel Works
Mini-Pack : Dream Cocktail + Inazuma Specter [English]
Mini-pack of 3 nice short works by Digital Accel Works [ENglish]
Those 3 works are : Open Water, That Beautiful Young Girl Has XX, and The Milk Cup.
Inazuma Deathstar [English, manually retouched version]
Onegai Sureba Ikeru To Omotte Shota Ga Toile De Kasshoku Onee-Chan O Osotte Mita Kekka [English]
Final bonus, this picture I really adore. I won’t help you, find by yourself from which doujin it has been taken
The entry link for Komachi 100 Shiki says the doujin is in English, when its, um… not in English. Just thought you should know, as that’s pretty misleading (made me download it again, when I’ve already downloaded it from here before).
Digital Accel uses such a great art style. does anyone know what type its called? i really love this style of drawing in regular manga or this umm type of manga
i think the style is called "bakunyuu"
I love this artist as well. As hard as it is to believe, did you know these guys are the ones who make the “High School of the Dead” manga series?
Oh my god, killer tomato attack! xD
Fuck it, the picture host I used at that time died ╬_╬
His pictures have been replaced by these big fugly tomatoes.
I fixed the pictures for these ones, but that means I'll have to fix a hell of a bunch of pictures too, blast it.
Thanks for the massive post, I’m gonna have fun checking this one out.
was there a repack oli?
would be cool if u can create a total pack of all translated works by Digital Accel
oliver i've been visiting your site everyday for ages xD i would like to say thanks for the uploads , truly appreciate it =)
and yeah wat the person above said
keep up the good work =)
I know it's coming, so I'll wait for the super pack. But I loved the Inazuma Specter one(hot shot of a girl on all fours from behind talking to the fox-girl). And Open Water(kinda sexist, but hotly drawn), just wish Open Water was an actual story instead of a stub.
Thanks for the post.
can u make a pack that contain all the translated one ?!??! ty
Shouji Sato (that's his real name) is my favorite no scenario ero-mangaka (yes, I like him more than Gunma or Yama). I wish he would do actual stories in H magazines instead of just short full color works, a entire tank of ero manga by him would put me into hentai heaven.
almost all the download links for this artist are no longer viable.