Secret Plot and Secret Plot Deep [English, 210 and 196 pages], by NeWMeN
— Update, dated October 5th, 2017: so many years after I shared it, this post has become obsolete, at long last, a new version with the HIGH RES tank has been done ^_^
Get it here: Secret Plot Shinsouban, and Secret Plot Deep Shinsouban.
Yo Admin !
Just found myself a copy of Secret Plot vol.1 Manga at my local comics/manga shop downtown. Hooray to me X’D.
Any chance that the volume 2 of this book is out somewhere ?
Lulz. Look at Amazon for $10.
Along with Slut Girl, Voice of Submission, and Spunky Knight, Secret Plot and SP Deep were the first hentai manga I found. Ah, the fapping memories!
Anyone know if NeWMeN published any other works? SP and SPD were so well-done, they must have something else out there…
He did a great doujin featuring Leona Ozaki, AnnaPuma and UniPuma from Dominion Tank Police. I'll be damned if i can remember the title though.
If i find it online i'll be sure to post the link.
the links for Secret Plot Deep aren’t working.
would somebody would have the french version of this manga. It is called "cours particuliers". Thank you!
links not working
Better Japanese tank scans have emerged (I found them on but doubtless this is not the only source) … anybody knows if there is somebody who could be interested in translating them, or in editing the new scans with the old translation?
Oliver je t'aime si je te vois irl je te donne des bisoux!