Domin8 me [English, publishing version for Take On Me, 216 pages], volume 1, by Takemura Sesshu
It was bound to happen some day, at last, Take On Me has been officially published, re-named as “Domin8 Me”
That’s bloody rare : this manga has a great scenario, interesting and well-made, and it also contains some of the best fuck scenes ever, hardcore and very intense
Bonus : this version is totally uncensored, malus : there are some strange translation differences.
Take On Me is made of two volumes. I recommend you to read the High Quality Re-Scanned version of volume 2, or else you may also decide to read the low quality magazine scanlated version of the volumes 1 & 2.
By Takemura Sesshu, I also share Take On Me vol. 2 (rescanned version), Kouenji Fujunjou Shoutengai chapters 1-3, Surudake, the really good Idling In The Heat, Gekka, Emoi Hazu, Black Kigyou 765 Production, Nanka Sonna Hi and Haruka To Chihaya To Producer. Hint, in your searches, since the artist goes by the name Takemura Sesshu and Sessyu, you can safely search for, double quotes included : [ “takemura ses” ], or, even better, to screen out most mere mentions : [ “by takemura ses” ].
Open the Complete Pictures gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(68MB, 216 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative Zip :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
To be honest, even if I really appreciated a lot a completely uncensored version, I was disappointed by the translation. The mere reference itself to lolicon has been removed, and that can be understood (in America, good morale fundamentalists have great power). However, other translation differences really strike me, I tried my best and yet I don’t understand how they could have been done (if they were accidental) or why they were made (if it was deliberate).
I guess that’s no so important, allright, but that’s still weird.
You can see a few translation differences examples here, cf the filenames, and next, open and compare.
Go figure
The links dont workkkk!!!1
well they do but the file needs a password
there is NO password requirement on my files, Deadpool. Just rename the zips to a much shorter name when needed, and if you need an explanation, search the “password” term in the “help and information” page, linked on top of
k ty
kay now oliver….
when i can get the new version “domin8 me vol 2”?
Wait for it to be translated.
damn… it’s gonna be a long time to go huh….
Please can someone post a link to the original Take On Me translation? I dont care if its not high quality.
I used to have the original translation and i loved it! I cannot stand this translation it is so cheesy, and takes away from the story to me.
Here are the ORIGINALS.
Take On Me Vol 1 : :
Take On Me Vol 2 :
Thank you very much!
@ Fonzie
Thank you very much for uploading the original translation!
But there seems to be a problem with the download. The download will never finish i have tried a number of times and it just downloads normally for a few minutes then stops, the dwonload will stay up, but will never make progress or ever resume no matter how long it is left up.
What could be causing this?
Damn! Sorry about this guys. I didnt come back and see your replys till now! I'll look around and see if I have the originals again. Cant promise anything, but I WILL try.
Thank you very much!:D
Hello! I apologize but all the links to download do not work. When you get there, they the files have "been removed due to copyright infringement." Is there some way we can have different site links t download this Vol. 1 version? Vol. 2 works great!
can you reupload at filesonic please
links dont work..
Will there ever be more works from this great, great artist? My absolute favorite..
Thank you so much, Oliver! I have this on my iPod just for the scenario because it's *that* good. I've read through it at least 10 times and it's still amazing! Thank you!! <3
I know you prolly won't see this, BUT:
Looking over your comparisons…your mileage may vary. I think some of your concern has to do with the fact that English is your second language (no offense). In most of these, I think the new translation has a better flow. For example, number 2 works and makes a bit more sense. (to point: The "…Still, she has her health" bit in the original sounds very weird to say in modern English) Granted, it's not perfect: Number 4, I think the original is better, simply because of the use of decompression deploys emphasis. So, yeah, your mileage may vary.
back up gallery is dead.
Thanks. It was really helpful.
thank for this godlike release
i forgotten i had this artist on my backlog, but no work can be found on my HDD.
thanks again as always Oliver!!!
Crap! I cant find the uploads from my old hard drive. The originals seem to be gone.
Oh no, broken images =(