Do you know if Ran Man (In Full Bloom) by Moe Kirara is available in english somewhere ?

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on No comments
in Categories: Just Talking
Tags: onsen

Hi guys,
I’ve been wanting for a while to commission (in other words, pay a translator for it) a translation of a manga by Moe Kirara. I asked Saha, the translator I trust most, and for Marugoto Punyu Punyu, 169 pictures, it would have cost me 240$. On second thought, I decided Ran Man would be better, it contains much less censorship, however, it is 200 pages long, I’m afraid of the price it will make :shock: – I hope Saha will consent to make a friendly price :roll:
So I’m asking just in case, would you know if, perhaps, Ran Man is already available in english, maybe ? :D

Edit : finally, I found an agreement with another translator, for a lower price, yeepee !

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