Just a thought I had, about the japanese girls and the contraceptive pill

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
in Categories: Just Talking

The thought has suddently struck me, that many many times, in hentai mangas, you’ll see a girl afraid of having a baby because she was creampied. I’m not asking why girls in most hentai mangas ask their partners to pull out, even if it feels so good for a man, it means more complications for the woman,  can understand that – nah, I’m thinking about the fear to have a baby.
Could it be more so complicated, in Japan, to manage to get the contraceptive pill ?

Honestly, I have no idea about how it works in Japan. I know that in my country, any teenage girl can ask a doctor and she’ll manage to get her pill, in schools there are even “day +1” special pills for a girl who had an unprotected relation during the days she can be fecundated (don’t ask me their real name) that are given for free without asking explanations to any girl asking one…
But maybe, in Japan, that is different ?
If you’ve got the info, I’m interested in knowing, thanks to share it in a comment :)

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14 years ago

Konichi Wa, Oliver :)

Just came back from the land of the Rising Sun, and have the answer for you on this question…

In Japan, if a girl who is single comes in pregnant (OR tests positive), and wants a day+1 pill, the MD is REQUIRED by law to contact the girl's parents (until she is 21, legal age there). This results in ALL manner of discrimination for the girl, since in the Japanese culture, pregnancy w/o marriage is STILL a MASSIVE stigma to the family's honour. The father, OR eldest brother, or eldest male member of the family will usually hunt down the offending male, and, well….you get the idea…

As for the contraceptive pill, forget about it, since MOST MD's refuse to prescribe them, for the same reasons above, not to mention they fear the government taking their medical license away from them.

Hope this helps. As for your shares here, Domo Arigato Gozemiashta :)