Non-hentai post : Money as Debt (recommended viewing if you’ve got the courage and patience)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on No comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I was very much impressed by a video I have seen recently, named “Money As Debt”.

The very serious subject of this link is the way the financial system works, to sum it up : the very essence of this sytem is perveted beyond what most people can imagine and it is going to worsen, and several respectable official” personalities (former administrators of the national bank of England, of the USA, etcetera) acknoledge it…
That’s a 47-minutes long video, taking this long because complicated economical stuff has been rephrased in everyday language, for everyone to get a grip easily. And really, that’s interesting, even when you’ve made long economy studies you most likely don’t realize the ideas explained in there, because of the lack of perspective when you’re inside the system.

Click here to view the video – there’s a french version too, for the frog eaters.

This really is a serious discussion subject, so honestly, I give you the link but I’m not open to discussion about it myself, not in the comments of a hentai blog, you’ve got a brain, use it the way you like it.
I know that serves as a resource for hentai art and – honestly – for fapping material, but this is MY blog, so I can post whatever unrelated material that I like, even if you don’t care or object to it :twisted:

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