Fair Skinned Beauty [English, 162 pictures], by Yukimino Yukio

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
old school is good school ;)

Old school was a good school :D

Thanks to Tadanohito I found this great manga by Yukimino Yukio :)
This manga is made of short stories based on various themes, with tons of great sex and horny babes, sometimes a housewife, sometimes a student, sometimes an OL.
The drawings have a marvelous old-school touch (great eyes, dark drawings, unshaved pussies), there’s always some humour in the background, and between the chapters the artist tells us about his fantasms in daily life, that’s refreshing :o

(I share more stuff by this artist, see The Updated list of Yukimino Yukio’s works)

To be true I regretted that on some pictures the scan was a bit blurry around the sides, but I cant’ help it, unfortunately, and that was visible on very few pages.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(37 MB, 166 pictures, English)

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Alternative Zip Mirror #1 – or – Alternative Zip Mirror #2

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15 years ago

Was some good stuff I found lying around…

Might I request a reup of Yukimino Yukio’s mangas?

Of course I meant these two.


Good stuff, brah.