Pack of two great fullcolor one-shots mangas by Saigado

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment

office ladies are hot in Japan, why only there ? v_v

It was a long while I didn’t have the opportunity to share uncensored drawings by Saigado, yay ^_^
I’ll recognize, these are just nine pictures, no more, but boy, they’re of GREAT quality, and really hot ! Can you imagine, guys, if office ladies were really hot like this ? :twisted: (Either it’s once again the marvelous hentai world, or I never worked in the right company v_v)

More precisely, thanks to my dear Tonigobe, I share two one-shots,
Soto Kataku Naka Ururu, and
Female Boss, Section Chief Erika.

(I share much more stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Saigado’s works on Hentairules)

Open the Complete Pictures gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 9 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the :
Alternative Zip Mirror #1

I know that 18 MB for just 9 pictures may look crazy, but believe me, these pictures are really hot, and they’re in really high rez. However, if you prefer, I tried a recompression without loss visible for the eye.
If you want, it is available here

Or you can also use the :
Alternative Zip Mirror #1 – or – Alternative Zip Mirror #2
(6 MB this time, 9 pictures, English)

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14 years ago

Colored is much more better!
Thank for upload!