You can now browse the posts by popularity (number of votes, or highest rated)
You must have noticed you can rate the posts, from 1/5 to 5/5 ?
Well, I added the possibility to browse basing yourself upon the results of the votes.
You can browse it in two ways :
– view best rated posts : first posts rated 5/5 with many votes, next 5/5 with less votes, etcetera
– view posts with the highest number of ratings : another proof of popularity
Regrettably, I can NOT offer you to mix the two, excluding posts that received less than x votes, and show the highest rated after this. Sorry, that’s not technically possible !
It also seems that for around 10% of you guys, dear visitors, the “random page” link (on top, horizontal bar) doesn’t work. I never understood why. If you’re in these 10%, I don’t think these new links will work either, I really can’t help it unfortunately :-/
You see ? Even if I don’t reply a lot, I DO read the improvement suggestions that are made, and take them into consideration when I can
Regarding the improvement suggestions, I may as well make a precision, there are still lots of people asking me to offer something already available : a search tool The search field is in the upper-right part of the screen, guys, if you missed it ! Heck, there is even an hentairules browser search plugin, if you want ^^