Your attention, please :)
There are things I’d like you to read :
– if you have dead links in the form of a blank page after a link from the domains or 9hz .com (there are redirection links), you’re fucked, the owner of these 2 domains has sold his biz to a porn portal, his links are now good for dead, I’m currently fixing it all manually (650 affected blog posts, from 2007 to middle of 2008, yay ! I hope I’m finished when you read this)
– Please, rate the posts I added a “Highest rated posts” category, but it is sort of bugged by old posts that have only one or two ratings, ranking higher that quality posts that have 10 or more ratings. For instance, if an old post with two votes was rated 5 stars and 4 stars, it will rank higher than another quality post with 20 votes and an average mark of “only” 4.60, if you see what I mean. So, if you see an old share that you don’t like much, do not have pity, remember to vote
– I feel a bit ashamed to add that last line, but the crisis is affecting my “real life” work (I’m working in a company co-founded with other close family members), we’re making 30% less sales for this period than last year, so if you could click some of my adverts from times to times, or the “thanks if you click those 2 sponsors” links… If only costs you a click from times to times, and for me all bonuses are welcome in these tough months, I’m starting to need the income from Hentairules… ^^;;