Monster Princess doujin [English] : Full Full Moon (“Kaibutsu Oujo”), by Tomohiro Kouda
My thanks to a kind visitor called “A French Addict” (I first wrote “Afro Addict” before correcting myself, I need some sleep ^^;;), here is a new short work by Tomohiro Kouda, entirely translated in English. I can’t help you much about the origin of it, something called Monster Princess (cf the comments), and to be honest, I confess this one is far from being as good as the godly Seka X Seka or the heavenly Petit Roid serie, also by Tomohiro Kouda. But well, that’s still something new by a very great artist, so I still share it :o |
(For MUCH more stuff by this artist, cf The list of Tomohiro Kouda’s works)
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Ummm this is based(?) from the anime&manga Called princess-resurrection.…