Love Selection The Animation Volume 2, made after Gunma Kisaragi’s Love Selection manga (RMVB, Streaming, 3GP, MP4 and DPG versions)
I was requested to share this new movie, and well, I saw no objection to that, even if the movie isn’t drawn by Gunma Kisaragi himself, that’s still something inspired from his works. Of course, if you don’t know it yet, rush to Love Selection [English, 233 pictures], the original manga is ten times better, there’s no point in trying to hide it
Click here to view the streaming version
(If that link doesn’t work, an embedded version is at the bottom of the post)
(Remember to view the updated list of all Gunma Kisaragi works on Hentairules)
Apart from that, I share it in good quality RMVB version (just google FFdshow if you can’t play that format yet), in 3GP for cellphones, in DPG for Nintendo DS, and in MP4 for PSP, Zune and Ipods. With 4 mirrors for each file
I could have fun today letting my greedy hands on a super-fast connexion, hence the fact you’ve got four mirrors per file today (depositfiles, megarotic, easy-share and sharingmatrix – yeah, even megarotic ! Mind you, the upload managed to fail once with megarotic ). Happy leeching
The video is censored and without subs.
RMVB version (102 MB) : Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3 – Mirror #4
(If you’re not familiar with RMVB, consider it as an equivalent of Divx)
MP4 version (44 MB) : Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3 – Mirror #4
3GP version (45 MB) : Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3 – Mirror #4
DPG version (79 MB) : Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3 – Mirror #4
If you want to know my opinion over this movie, there’s one regrettable thing : the nauseatingly overwhelming yellow coloration of the pictures, who the fuck was in charge of managing the colors in that movie ?? BURN THE WITCH !! >_<
If the streaming version didn’t work when you opened it in an external window, don’t ask me why, sometimes it works when it is embedded, so here’s an embedded streaming version – mind you, the original video size being 704×396, it has been forcibly resized to fit in the current page, and there will be an additional loss in video quality.
Yay! The file has not yet been removed.
All I have to say is: THANK YOU “RANDOM PAGE” BUTTON!!!
MP4 version mirror 2,3,and 4 Not working.
I want to personally thank you for uploading the videos you do upload in MP4 format, and more importantly, my PSP thanks you. I am sadly in an area of my life where access to a computer is limited, and I can atleast download something that works on a common mobile device.
i just search train and i got this on ramdom post! thank you!!!!!!!!!!