Something to help my fellow hentai webmasters

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on No comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Don’t ask me why, but there’s lots of hentai websites whose archives have been reported to the hosts, as DMCA takedowns, with pretence it was copyrighted stuff. That happened a few months ago for the hentai movies, now it’s the case for the hentai mangas.

I found a trick that can considerably help the webmasters affected by that problem, and make reuploading a breeze. If you’re interested, or if you know webmasters that could use that help, please read the rest of this post.

The trick I found is to use “remote upload” to avoid having to reupload a manga every time it is reported.

Explanation of how it works :
– You upload your zip file by FTP to a hosting space of yours
– You note the hyperlink to that file
– You give that hyperlink to your usual file sharing host
– The filesharing host downloads that file from your hosting space, and reuploads it to his own servers, giving you in the end a download link.
– You share that link with the public : the public will download it from the servers of your sharing host, not from your personal hosting space

Good points :
– The hosts have massive bandwith, while you don’t, and your sharing file host can leech a zip from your hosting space in less than one minute, even though, when you uploaded it by FTP, it could have taken you one hour to upload it
– Do you need to make a reupload ? Give your filesharing host an hyperlink, and 1 minute later you’ve got a new functioning download link.
– You can make a remote upload to as many zip file hosts as you want, it won’t take more time.
For instance, when I reuploaded Sei So Tsui Dan Sha, by my beloved Shiwasu No Okina, I uploaded the zip to a private hosting space of mine, and gave the direct link to depositfiles, sharingmatrix and easy-share, in 1 minute I had 3 working zip download links.
– To sum it up : you upload your file 1 time, and you can reupload it an unlimited number of times in 1 minute in the future.
Suggestion : upload your whole shares collection in advance, so that you’re ready the day you need to make reuploads.

Negative points :
– You need a personal hosting space that won’t bitch you for uploading adult zips, to begin with ^^ Most of the time, you can find it easily if you ask your friends around you, personally I simply upload it to my account. The frog eaters can also use the services of even if that host prohibits adult files, as long as their account doesn’t cause massive bandwith usage, the admins won’t check what your account contains. I don’t know for other hosts and other countries, however.
– There are very few hosts taking remote upload with a non-paying account. Most of the hosts I tested (rapidshare, depositfiles, easy-share, mediafire, megaupload, megarotic), you need a paying membership.
– There is a risk that your links may be removed once your paying membership ends. I don’t fear that in my case, because my depositfiles and easy-share files make enough downloads to ensure constant renewal of my Gold/Premium status, as a “thanks” for making depositfiles and easy-share a shitload of cash, I guess ¬_¬ But not everyone is in that case.
– Once you obtain a new link with remote upload, you still have to update your posts ! You could maybe use a redirection service in your posts, some redirection services allow you to come back later and update where your short URL is pointing to – updating a short URL’s redirection is faster than editing a complete blog note.

Hosts accepting remote upload with a non-paying membership :
Please note, this doesn’t intend to be an exhaustive list, these are the hosts that I personally tested to be allowing it for sure. Scroll down to read the comments, chances are high more links will be submitted by the readers. Or, at least, I do hope more links will be submitted :D
– uploading

Places where you can upload your files by FTP to use remote upload :
– free hosting spaces : so far, I don’t know any, ouch T_T
– paid hosting spaces : under 10$ per month, I can recommend Servage or hostgator, more details are available in the Webmasters Corner.

YOU can help :
– Please, if you know about other zip file hosts accepting remote uploading for non-paying membership, share the link in a comment !
– Please, if you know about free hosting space accepting adult files, share the link in a comment !

Conclusion :
– If, as a webmaster, you like a sharing file host and that host allows remote upload, go for it ! With remote upload, you never need to upload your files twice, and the day you must make a reupload, your reupload is done in less than one minute, no matter how big your file is. And you can reupload your stuff in a minute an unlimited number of times.
– If you don’t have the proper place to upload your files, or if you don’t want to pay a membership, or if you don’t like the file hosts offering remote upload with non-paying accounts, then this choice isn’t for you.

I hope this  post could help my fellow hentai webmasters. To speak the truth, with that, I hope the persons behind the file reports will give up before we do !
And if that trick really proved helpful to you, I won’t refuse it if you add a link to hentairules on your homepage, as a small thanks ;)

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