Tekapita [English, 171 pictures], by Kishinosato Satoshi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 1 comment
Bunny girls and various sorts of hentai scenes...

Thanks to Prozak (no laughing, please :D ) for sending me a link to this new complete hentai manga, called Tekapika :)

The manga is made of various stories unrelated with each other with, maybe, one common point, it features women who considered themselves boring or having an uninteresting life, until they discovered that sex would make their life more thrilling and more lively, so to say…

I have mixed feelings about this manga, honestly. Some stories are very good, some others become rapidly boring or idiotic (yeah, “women are pigs”, yeah… ¬_¬), and the same goes for the graphical quality, ranging from excellent to “barely better than a draft”.
Make yourself your opinion, I’d say :o

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(47 MB, 171 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

Ok, so I commented on the wrong page. This is the one with the thick ladies. Thanks again, this time in the right spot.