Computer problems are a pain in the ass >_<

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on No comments
in Categories: Just Talking

If you’ve followed my recent posts, you may know I’m struggling against weird computer reboot problems. Sorry if I’m posting new stuff less than once a day, but loads of work in real life and a random reboot every 45 minutes now doesn’t help.

Yep, the reboots are getting closer and closer. To sum it up : when nothing except the CPU, graphical card, keyboard, mouse and DVD drive are plugged, it works. If I plug any other disk (or 2, or 5 with my controller card, various disks and slots have been tested), or if I boot from an USB key, or whatever the fuck else is plugged including a network cable : random reboots again. It’s cool, I can plug in a linux live-CD and it will work as long as anything possibly useful or interesting else is unplugged. GPU, RAM, mouse and keyboard have been replaced with stuff from friends without change. Conclusion : shit has been flying inside my motherboard, I’ll give up and have a techie replace the bitch, and there’s no choice if it will reap me loads of cash because I’m running old hardware that will need to be replaced alongside with it (4 IDE disks that will need their data transferred to SATA new drives because IDE slots or PCI slots for a controller card are too hard to find now, new CPU, new alim, yay, so cool, it would have just been better if I had needed this >_> ).
The way things move, I should have a new working pack of hardware in a week maximum. Until then, at home, I’m using a win98 paleolithical backup  laptop with 30% missing keyboard keys and eye ripping visual quality, rhaaaaa >_<

EDIT : I was again asked if there was a donation possibility. The reply would be that yes, there are possibilities, but really, you guys aren’t forced, [Gloria Gaynor mode : ON]I will survive[/OFF] ;)

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