Hatsu Inu volume 3 chapter 3, + chapters 1-2-3 in another Zip file [English, 63 pictures], by Inu (35 votes, average: 4.23 out of 5)Loading... By Oliver AKA The Admin on February 13, 2009 5 comments in Categories: English Translated, Great Artists, Original Manga Update ! : Good new! This is now complete and uncensored! Get it right here!
the manga size isn’t 4mb, but 8.85mb
btw.. thx 4 sharing this manga ^^
A new chapter of hatsu inu is allways welcome! Thanks!
Many many thanx
seems like the depositfile link of Chap 1-2-3 is corrupted
I can confirm this. The zip file downloaded through the depositfile link containing ch1-3 is corrupted.
After i repaired it the files hatsuinu_v3_c1_www.hentairules.net_04.jpg and hatsuinu_v3_c1_www.hentairules.net_06.jpg can’t be decompressed.