Ichigo 100% hentai doujin [Japanese, UNCENSORED VERSION, 93 pictures] : Namaka 1-2-3-4-5, by Nisemidi Doronokai (AKA Ishikei)
Here is the entirely UNCENSORED version of Namaka, volumes 1-5, by Nisemidi Doronokai
Correct me if I’m mistaken, I believe the Nakama serie is the oldest doujinshi line there is by this artist. That’s really obvious when you look at the drawings, they’re not as good as the other works by Nisemidi Doronokai. Since it was uncensored, I decided it was still worth sharing, see for yourselves
(For MUCH more stuff, see the long list of ALL my shares by Nisemidi Doronokai)
A warning beforehand : in this post, instead of the links you will see below, I initially shared Namaka 1, calling it an English version. My mistake ! I had made the confusion with another version of this doujin, that I deleted instead of the japanese version (and later on, I emptied the recycle bin, ew). When I’m back from home I’ll try to recover that file with the stuff suggested by some kind visitors, all my thanks !
If I manage to recover the english version of Namaka 1, I’ll share it separately in a new post.
To compensate, as an expression of my being sorry for the confusion I may have caused, I now share the completely uncensored 5 volumes of the Namaka serie
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Download the Free Hentai Doujin Pack in a Zip file
(35 MB, 93 pictures, Japanese)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
did i see wrong??
this isnt translated at all!!!!
CRAP, you’re right !
I had two versions of the uncensored zip, one in english, one in Japanese, I deleted the wrong one, and proceeded with the uploading and all of the japanese version, aaaaaaaargh !
And now, at some point I have emptied my recycle bin, I can sit on the english version
Getting zip file error message after downloading.
Would another download fix this?
I do not really care if it is a completely japanese version. With the complexity of the artwork, could you please repost the download link?
dude…. you sucks!!!
pay more attencion!!!
yeah…could you post the DL link please….
wow dud, you should just be happy he’s uploading it into this site so you lazy asses don’t have to google it and look for the links. Yeesh, he spends his time doing this and that’s the thanks you give him?
I recommend that you use FreeUndelete. Its website is http://www.officerecovery.com/freeundelete/
(simple en/fr)
see/voir :
(fr) http://www.commentcamarche.net/faq/sujet-309-recuperation-de-donnees-perdues
(en) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Data_recovery
As a good prozelyte of Free and Open Source Software, I recommand PhotoRec / Comme tout bon prosélyte du Logiciel Libre, je te recommande PhotoRec :
(de/en/fr/it) http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec
If you have problems with the software, it will be easier to fix it / Si tu as des problèmes pour la prise en main ou à l’utilisation (bogue, etc.), ça sera plus facile à résoudre
Can’t help you more, I don’t use MS Windows… / Je ne peux malheureusement pas t’aider beaucoup plus (ouah, le faux cul), je ne suis pas sous Windows… ;-)
use undelete plus google it
I’ve researched solutions a few years ago. I use Restorer2000 Pro. Still happy with it and was the best value at the time.
No easy-share like???Mehhhh.Plz upload to easy-share as well
I second “Il Palazzo-sama”, PhotoRec is great!
You can also test REST2514
But you MUST ACT quickly, because your disk drive continue to stock information. So before you can say “WTF”, it’ll be too late.
hurry undelete the translated one! we neeed it!
4th try to download this from both Deposit Files and Sharing (after waiting an hour each time it failed because they said I downloaded it) and every time it sticks at 23%. Uploading has cut me off for 24 hours. I wish this was on mediafire or easyshare, they crap out a lot less often.
…..every human make mistake….
ôo be happy that he shares it for us anyways xD
Is there any hope for the english translation of this one?