The Bible 2 : Sudden Justice ! (non-hentai post)
If you see something hentai in the link I give here, then you really are a freak
I simply allow myself a good non-hentai link, I laughed as I rarely do while reading this wiki page about Hokuto No Ken. Or maybe I should have called it Hokuto No Jesus. With hopes you’ll appreciate it too, I share the link
who in the hell wrote that? that is funny…Now I must send you to hell for that link!! ATATATATATATATATAATATATATAT WAAAACHOU!! (BLOWS NOSE ON SHIRT)GESUNDHEIT
In case you didn’t know,
Can’t help but say thank you. That was fuuny as hell for the simple fact that I stopped watching it to check here. Now the next time he’s in trouble I’ma say used the damn Anime Beam.
their moron they didn’t understood a damn word of this magnificent story they juste have the right to get a hokuto hyaku retsuden HATA.
Hokuto means north star right
One of the best Wiki posts ever!
I did giggle…on the inside. That wiki page has probably the worst moderator in the history of moderation. Considering the “jesus” line, is in the very first sentence. Then again I do enjoy the whole “Uncyclopedia” bit. Sometimes some well placed comedy fixes anyone’s day.
Oh, there’s lots of fun to be had on Uncyclopedia, trust me. ^_~
Jésus 2 le retour ! Il revient et il n’est pas content !
(sorry guys, French joke :p)
That’s hilarious. Ages ago I watched the first ‘Fist’ movie with a bunch of friends & when Kenshiro came back with a beard we were all cheering for “Jesus.”