Street Fighter hentai doujin [English] : To Anyone Stronger Than Me, I Need You, by Bakuretsu Fusen
Not-so-random quotes : Oooh, please have mercy ! Oh no, I’m gonna die ! – Please, I’d be honoured if you would spar with me ! – Here I come, my dear rival… Ultimate strike ! I know you have guessed these are not the usual fighting stances but ecchi dialogues, but heck, I laughed a lot with that doujin
To Anyone Stronger Than Me… came as a great surprise, instead of the boring ugly doujin I expected (as 99.9% of the street fighter doujinshi I’ve seen, it’s worse than incest !), I found a well-drawn doujin, made even more delicious by the way Ryu is depicted. Our cold-hearted lonesome hero is completely fucked up inside, lightyears past common idiocy, and he confuses fighting and sexual performance, happily anal’ing Mai Shiranui in order to test his skill before a new “battle” with Chun-li… Lol, just lol
Update: this doujinshi includes one of the best fucked-up details EVER
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(21 MB, 40 pictures, English)
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That is Mai Shiranui, not Katsumi!!
Whoa, I really love Street Fighter so that’d be cool if we can get more SF Good Doujinshis like this one. They should do a little serie (a few chapters) with Ryu looking for some babes
lol in one of the pics i think the artist made a mistake. he gave chun li 3 arms
– Woops, lol, indeed, thanks Raven !
-Zexu : that was the only good SF doujin I know of
– Hydro : what pic ??? I need to see it
now how can we say no to that?
The pic with the three armed Chun Li is the number 14. ^^
It took me a minute to catch, but yeah, chun-li does have 3 arms on page 14… one on each of Ryu’s shoulders, and a second right hand holding his johnson. If Ragefat had not pointed it out and made me look for it, I doubt i would have noticed
anybody else notice that chun-li has three hands in one picture. Two hands on his shoulder and one hand guiding him in.
he..he.. funny as hell..
i too hope there’s next chapters..
Thanks for the release
Very funny
thank goddddd
Lols… Ryu’s such a perv.. i laughed in the end when chun-li caught him.. all in all this is a great doujin.