Allright, I recognize it, it was an April’s fool XD
As most of you suspected, guys, the post in which I announced “ is on sale” is a fake, the most evil April’s Fools joke I managed to imagine.
The best lie is always made of a mix of real elements (this fucking financial crisis hitting my company badly and cutting severely my income) and of elements so bogus they’re easier to believe that simple negations (selling my blog in order to compensate for several months of missing revenue even though it is better to keep it like that and enjoy the small bonus it brings every month – like religion, the most incredible it is, the easier it is for the brain to simply accept it as a whole)… Keep that in mind for your own pranks or if you need to make up a convincing lie for your own use
Let’s not be hypocritical : I totally enjoyed seeing it working so well – but I also apologize to those of you who felt bad :o
I also owe you guys who left a comment or sent me an email my sincere thanks, I was touched when I read them, you’re a bunch of great guys…
And now, let’s share a bit of hentai
Oh, BTW, feel free to share your links to the best April’s Fools pages you saw, I’m curious
thank god. you’re the best!
You had me worried there for a while :/
Happy April’s Fool, thank Providence it wasn’t true!
Pour te faire pardonner, tu devrais ajouter 2 nouveaux mangas par jour pour les 7 prochain jours.
oh thank the lord in heaven it was just a joke!
wooot lol i knew it (even though i believed it a little) nice one
You would say that! After finding out that nobody’s willing to pay you to rapidshare free porn. Likely story xD
allow me to say this to ya…….
you’re an evil bastard and you will go to hell!!!
that aside….
that was one of the best “jokes” i’ve seen… good (f*cking) work
best wishes keep up the marvelous work you’re doing here
hahah you totally got me. I was saying NOOOOOOO!!!! but i’m glad it was a joke. haha thanks for not selling
Wow you really got me there..
Ow, I was so frightened when a friend told me:
“OMG, tu as vu, Hrules ferme ! :(”
Petit farceur va
*for non-french, it means
“OMG, did u see? Hrules is closing ! :(“
I must believe in God now. D:
And that’s how you scare the crap out people around the globe. Not the apocalypse, not a nuclear war.
Seriously, that was the best joke ever. Congratulations.
THANK GOD… i was starting to wonder if this site would become a paysite and then id have to find another site T_T i love this site soo much i would cry if u sold it
anyway that was a cruel but very good joke keep up the good work
i knew it all the time , no i dont, “Keep that in mind for your own pranks or if you need to make up a convincing lie for your own use ” you are an evil doer, i like that word, it was a very good joke. sorry for the bad english
Oh my god I’m relieved, I was so fucking scared, man, that was good, but DON’T DO IT AGAIN. One of your viewers is gonna have a heart attack. Not really. But seriously, don’t do that shit again.
holy shit yo…
i flipped out. i was about to be lost.
i checked the site like 35 times today to see if you had taken it back yet or not. gah.
i guess you can see how many people would be lost without their fap source right??
Well, Im very much relieved, now that the whole thing was bogus. At the very least i can celebrate in the fact that i’ve turned 27 now…
Admin, STOP PULLING SH1T like that… Some folks don’t like jokes… like me. X’D
Good one though, since nearly everybody got fooled. You happy now XD
Ha ha ha ha….very good sir. Well thought out and executed. But I think I speak for everyone when I say…NEVER AGAIN!!
you totally got me!
huweeeeeeee…….. I’m really really happy, huweeeeee, thanks a lot
oh my god, thats gotta be one of the best april fool joke, i totally thought you were serious. i am amazed, and pissed at the same time lol. hentairules lives!!!
Omg, dude you’re so cruel, this kind of jokes almost make me cry like a little fifteen year old girl… T_T…
That was sooooooooo wrong!!!!! THANK GOD is not true.
Haha, you ass.
Anyway, is now owned by communist china.
I thought it was a real one until I saw several other (of all types) blogs doing the same thing. However, I’m glad that none of it was true.
You are an evil and bloody twisted man, however I recognize my part as the April Fool; I forgot about the timezone change and failed to read that the post was submitted on the 1st. That was a sick, cruel, misguided, ill-humored stunt to pull… can’t wait to see how you top it.
P.S. Please don’t leave us…
It’s too obvious… If you have a google blog… get one and see if it works, and the next “sellout” joke won’t work. o.O
im unable to sleep well last night! thank god its just a joke~
cheers~ XD
Yo pense que era verdad hasta que me di cuenta que dia era
you are the worst
lol .. almost everysite is making use of this recession as an april fool joke. Well its cool to break the tension once in a while in this crisis
You crippled our penises with that joke! Therefore you should post 3x as much h to cure us!
But I agree, the realistic elements kept us at doubt.
Well tried.
lol good one!(whew) you totally got me keep up the good work
I almost cut my dick off, it wanst going to be any good any more.
thank god it was a joke.
you made me all worried and stuff. rly… =(
I guess alot of people didn’t know it was April Fools day apparently
hehehe that pick is from chick in the box
I was scared for a second…
For April Fools, since I’m working on a Vampire Savior project, I decided to tell everyone eagerly awaiting it that I would add characters from Twilight into the mix (seeing as Vampires play so heavily in both… if you can really call the Twilight characters ‘Vampires’). I topped it off later by providing a link to the WIP, which was of course a Rick Roll.
Never gonna give, gonna give… give you up!
Won’t do that again!!!
You mother fucker. XD You had me going there about the site going for sell.
The Starcraft 2 website posted an awesome unit for April Fools.
Hahaha!!! Yeah I knew the “Hrules for sale” was an April fools joke.
The only prank I believed was when my gf said, “I’m pregnant!”. . . she shocked me with that joke and I was like, “SSSHHHIIIITTTTT!!!!” until she told me that today is April 1. . . damn I was owned.
Hahaha, man April Fool’s Day. I have to be more careful next year.
So Oliver, did you fall for an April Fool’s Joke?
well done, sir, very well done (/bow)
In other news….
Fakku might actually have been bought by Danny Choo.
As incredulous as it seems, April Fools has passed and they still haven’t rescinded the announcement.
Although, considering what happened here, I’ll wait to see if they go through with it.
Just in case anyone, you know, cares.
I gotta say nice jk i didnt buy it for one second but looking at all the ID10TS who fell for it made me laugh so hard nice one man. ^_^
Wow now I’m more than just relieved
Both FAKKU and HentaiRules almost gave me a heart attack with that kind of nasty jokes
Oh, about Newgrounds, yeah now that Cinese guys owned it
aren’t you just a guy, who takes hentai works that other groups translate/scanslate (I saw only one work which you did work on, or rather claimed), then stick a bunch of annoying url,picture,txt both inside the root and folder directory + ballzy enough to ask for donations to works you ripped off + re-uploaded to ad revenue download sites from those people who actually did the scans/trans + bought the raw? With like virtually no reference to the groups who actually did the scan/trans?
hope you die of a blocked Vas deferens @sshole
oh wait, april fools…