Non-hentai post : the root of the financial crisis explained
To say it bluntly, I’m tired of reading online silly stuff about the source of the current financial crisis. So, if you still wonder how and why this fucking financial crisis that’s slowly killing my company started, this video should be for you : The Crisis Of Credit Visualized
Regrettably, there won’t be a second volume, explaining me how to get hired into a huge firm’s top-management team, wreck everything because you’re an incompetent ass who got recruited because he was friendly with the good persons, and leave the bankrupt company with a fucking golden parachute. Feel free to share the link if you find a how-to !
I prefer this one
Pretty interesting way of explaining the Credit Crunch and the current economic recession.
Thanks for sharing. I got a lot out of it =)
Yes… and government bailouts to big companies = CEOs getting a nice billion dollar boost to their salary.
It’s a cute video but almost completely incorrect. This started with the sub-prime home loans through Fanny May and Freddie Mac who repackaged them to sell to other investment houses and Hedge funds as savings backed and mortgage backed securities. When the loans readjusted to their higher rates most people could not afford them and defaulted. The securities went with them and this is the “toxic paper” that brought down wall street and our economy. Wall street and investment CEO’s should have seen this coming and should not have been paid for this but that video does not tell the whole story and leaves most of it out.
and you just staited exactly what the vid did just in less words
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Even if it is oversimplified, it is very informative.
He did a pretty good job on this.
Thank you for this link.
Very Good Video I sent it to my bosses.
The only thing it’s forgetting is that the GOVERNMENT ENCOURAGED most of these risky loans. In fact some congressman even called Bankers “Rascist” if they didn’t loan to more poor people. But if you’re poor, how are you suppose to BUY A HOUSE?
Fannie and Freddie were and now are Government owned.
IT’S ALL OF THE ABOVE. The stupid homeowners who didn’t pay for their house or even put a down payment. The Banks, The Investors, The Regulators, and the Government.
Duriel Dalahan, my point was that this problem would have happened without the CEO’s being involved on wall street. Hunter’s point is right. That is what the video leaves out.
C’est tout simplement génial !!!!
Merci pour nous avoir fait découvrir cette petite merveille d’explication.
The mortgage meltdown is just a single instance of the effects of a large population and a closed planet. If more unclaimed lands and resources were still available, the market would not have to maintain an internal consistency in order to continue to function. And the mortgage market was conceived on the old assumption that more value could always be added to offset and limit losses. But that is no longer possible, at least not to the extent required to offset the current ledger discrepancies.
The struggle for disproportionate advantage ultimately destroys value.
Thank you oliv… now I can understand a lot more
Yeah.. I wish I got millions of dollars to fuck up a trillion dollar company that can screw up millions of lives rather than busting my ass doing a great job keeping an organization afloat and getting paid peanuts. And people wonder why I think American society is declining…
It seems to be(in the uk)that the more you fuck up the better bonus you get-I think the UK govement have given our banks something like £178 Billion-now seeing as there are 60,000,000 people in the UK it would of been cheaper to give us all £2,000,000 each and say Go Spend It on what ever you like,thus getting money back into the system and not sitting in some bank volt.
oh wow, Oliver!
i’ve seen this before and i think it explains the crisis excellently!
i can’t believe it’s propagated this far onto the net!
i’ve watched it about 20 times and i think everyone should know about it. thanks for spreading the word!