A second pack of 4 works by Takeda Hiromitsu [English, 91 pictures]
UPDATE : except Rantama, the Arcana Heart doujin, the other stories I share on this page belong to Tsundero, and I share the complete Tsundero manga ON THAT PAGE. Do NOT miss it, this is pure gold
As I often say, this is something I particularly love with hentai : the more you share, the more you receive – I’m not talking about donations (if donations were proportional to my quantity of shares, I’d be rich ), I’m talking about good links : all my thanks to those of you who gave me more links to other works by Takeda Hiromitsu, I can now make a second 4-works pack
Honestly, this pack is not as good as the previous one, but it’s still great dope. Happy powerful sex, strong female personalities, love, good detailed drawings, antigravity helium-filled tits (I see no other explanation sometimes…), funny scenarii, there’s lots of good things :razz:
MOAR! Don’t miss The list of ALL my shares by Takeda Hiromitsu
The pack with these 4 works by Takeda Hiromitsu
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
(38 MB, 91 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the depositfiles links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thanks ! )
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
UPDATE : except Rantama, the Arcana Heart doujin, the other stories I share on this page belong to Tsundero, and I share the complete Tsundero manga ON THAT PAGE. Do NOT miss it, this is pure gold
First of all, Thank You!!
Second of all, I think Rantama is an Arcana Heart Doujin. I am not positive about that, but that is what a google search came up with.
Oliver you fucking rock. Takeda Hiromitsu is like a god.
Actually, TsuyaTsuya is like a god. But Takeda Hiromitsu rocks too. Many thanx Oliver.
Do you think the complete volume of Tsundero will be finish this month??
WTF!! this artis is the best thos expressions those bodies this drawing stile this is the hentai i was always looking for thanks
Never had any issues before but today when i went to check the gallery i got this warning from Kaspersky.
2009-04-20 13:07:56 http://www.goaltraffic.com/p.php?ref=kroxyboy Firefox Detected: Trojan-Downloader.HTML.IFrame.yz
Not a fun warning to get.
Yea Rantama is Arcana Heart
Thanks for the Arcana Heart mention, guys !
Abou the trojan, I guess some asshole company purchased an ad space from the advertisement company managing the ad spaces in the pictures galleries.
I changed to another advert, try again, Dmitri ? Cnaciba
Gentlemen, I believe we have a new contender to Gunma Kisaragi and Yamatogawa.
U know. this just hit me. wouldnt it be easier to put all of the doujins in a file for their respective animes. that way when ur looking for a certain doujin of an anime u can just click on anime then click on the name of said anime ur looking for. this could make it easier to search
Takeda Hiromitsu is now my favorite hentai artist. All his girls just scream sexy! Their faces are amazing with how their eyes look and how their tongue is always sticking out. Even their hairstyles are sexy as hell. Plus he has drawn the hottest underwear/lingerie I have ever seen, and dont even get me started on the nano-bikini of death! Not to mention that all his girls have big tits and nice round asses which seals the deal for me that Hiromitsu’s drawings are pure EPICNESS!!!
Thanks a lot Oliver, since the first time i saw a manga by hiromitsu i’ve been searching about his new stuff, but i never found so many doujins, so thanks a lot dude, and Cappy, the “nano-bikini of death!” rules XD, and well what else can i said about his drawings that hasn’t been told, anyways, i hope you keep up uploading more of his stuff (hope the rest of tsundero doesnt takes long >_<)
I know that Rantama is Arcana Heart, but was that a small picture of Etna (Disgaea) I saw in there?
both links for Rantama dont work
Both Rantama links give you "Requested file not found".