Bath Flower [English], by Tsuruta Bungaku
If this preview picture forcibly reminds you of Hot Snowstorm, by Fueta Kishi [English], this is no hazard, I can’t resist, I just LOVE these drawings when the reader can get the impression he’s being boldly observed by his woman during a hand job, that’s a wonderful experience ^^;;
That said, Bath Flower is really a very nice short hentai story, with both cute and hardcore happy sex, and a funny twist in the beginning, the male character’s trouble was kinda funny, you will see…
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(14 MB, 22 pictures, English)
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A cute little story, I liked it. Thank you, Oliver.
Hey Oliver, I recently got my hands on the Strigendo + Accelerando movies. All three episodes in hi-quality with english subs! Unfortunatly its censorced by some of the most annoying pixels you’ve seen, but if you look past that its a pretty good time. I was wondering if you wanted them for the site?
That is kinda moe at first. Then just kinda epic cute.
I really appreciate it
Many thanx Oliver
Damn, been gone too long and now I’m far behind on all the updates. Metal Gear Online and college classes take too much much of my time that I’m ignoring my anime and hentai goods. I can’t resist the short hair and shorts combo so it was a good read for being away for so long.
Thanx 4 all the shares… LATEZ~
This one is a EPIC cute one IMO also
HEY love it
Pretty nice! BTW, have you shared “Seifuku Toiunano Kyouki 2” before?
I found it at !
another glad female
who wants to see this
ecchi – yawn
better spend your time on more HC, or?!
your place still rules the thing – grats