Just some almost random chat, no hentai contents, you’re not forced to read ;)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 16 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I’m in a talkative mood, this evening, and noone’s left on ICQ. Basically, it’s about Toblerone chocolate and Daft Punk. There is no new hentai stuff in this post, you’re not forced to read ;)

Sometimes, it’s hard to keep the hentai world at bay. Really.
I’ve spent some good time with friends and relatives this evening, and someone offered Toblerone pieces. And then, suddenly, a vivid memory, this speech bubble from Haruyokoi : « AAH ! Her winking walnut ! Her motherfucking Toblerone Tunnel ! » (illustration). And there I was, in the living room, choking myself to death with toblerone, trying hard not do howl laughing out lout… and unable to explain the reason behind it, it was most frustrating >_<

yummy !

Just another remark, I’m thinking again about a musical recommendation I made in september 2008 : Alive, by Daft Punk. One year later, this album is as stunning as ever, if you don’t know about it yet, if just once you thought Daft Punk had one interesting song, try it, that’s an amazing experience :)
In my personal case, I don’t only share hentai because I like to share, to have a popular blog and because it makes a little bonus, I also share so much stuff because my blog is – regrettably, in a way – one of the most gratifying things of the day, after tiring frustrating work not paying off or not as much as it should.
And, I tell you, in the late evening, VERY few things are as relieving and “setting the mind free” as listening to Superheroes / Human After All / Rock and Roll, from the Alive album, while posting hentai stuff online, after that you feel free at last, and ready to kick ass in the next day :D

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15 years ago

it would make a nice conversation, you speaking of hentai while eating the Toblerone

15 years ago

I’m sure they’d be understanding if you explained :P

BTW, Toblerone’s are awesome!

15 years ago

i almost can imagine that escene…

talking with friends and then suddenly one of them begins to choke with toblerone and laugh, my first thought would be “WTF is wrong with him”… :)

i hope your friends don’t look at you in strange waysfrom now on XD

15 years ago

i want some chocolate :d

15 years ago

lol, '…not forced to read'


15 years ago

Daft punk + sex related things… made me remember a QC strip: http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1379

(last frame) there’s a girl reading from the box of a vibrator: “The Daft Punk Disco Dong – Harder! Better! Faster! Stronger! You’ll be saying ‘One more time’ all night long!”

Sorry, couldn’t resist :P

15 years ago

LoL. . . I wonder what the Toblerone Cmpany will say if they see this. . . but it’s still funny because ‘ve read the doujin. . .

15 years ago

Oh, sorry about those typos I made above. . . hehe. I figure people are smart enough to fill in the missing letters?

15 years ago

Yea, I laughed my ass off at the ‘toblerone hole’ comment too. =)

15 years ago

You know what? When I read your hint that this comment is about Toblerone, I instantly knew which hentai reference you were talking about. Does this mean that I’m reading too much hentai? LOL

But I hope that you have some more nice events in the late evening other than listening to music. You stated that you are happily married. Even with two little kids which should be well asleeped in the late evenings.

Twinkle Bear
Twinkle Bear
15 years ago

I have been in a similar situation, but i decided t explain why i was laughing. not one of my best desicions.

15 years ago

Daft Punk, in MY hentai?
It’s more likely than you think! ;)


15 years ago

if you haven’t seen this before you’ll love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr2JneittqQ&feature=channel_page

and other than that modeselektor and apparat have a new side project called moderat
super stellar techno. worth checking out.

15 years ago

You have no idea how hard it is to find any Daft Punk CD in my area. I remember Daft Punk collaborating with Kanye West (Stronger) which surprisingly works really well.

As for Toblerone, I can’t believe we both like the sae stuff. Man, that thing taste awesome (celestial, I’m telling you), not sure about the Toblerone tunnel though, :P

15 years ago

Ah man, its great to know that people love daft punk. Have you heard their own remix of ‘one more time’ mixed with ‘aerodynamic’. It sounds so great, i think it’s on their Live Album, can’t say which one it was though.

15 years ago

Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it, Fuck it. Suprisingly, not spam. Daft Punk doing Touch it/ Technologic. Overall, it’s a pretty badass album. I’m pretty sure that that particular song is the musical interpretation of hentai. (p.s. my jokes are pretty lame).