Boku No Aijin [English, 184 pictures], by Tsuya Tsuya

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 18 comments
That's some quality fetish, in its own way ^^ Easy, happy sex this time ! Let us forget about other works by Tsuya Tsuya with a complicated storyline spanning across several volumes ;)A fast and sufficient summary would be that young enthusiastic young boys (it’s not shota, they’re of age) have great sex with older women aging from 30 to 41, deeply enjoying their mature bodies and asses, playing voyeurism, and ending with a group party.
Some very good Tsuya Tsuya :D

(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of ALL my TsuyaTsuya shares)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(72 MB, 184 pictures, English)
(please, if you can, can you use the depositfiles links ? That will come as a small reward for me, thanks ! :) )

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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15 years ago

le mirroir 1 est un lien deposit files :p
et y’a écrit 4MO pour 18 fichier alors qu’il en fait 69.23 :)

j’ai pas encore le nombre de pages par contre je télécharge :D

je cherche de ses travaux mais assez souvent non traduit. x_x

Thanks for Sharing ~

15 years ago

zip mirror #1 est un deposit files, Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file est un deposit files aussi c’est ce que je voulais dire ^^

désolé si j’suis pas clair à cette heure là.

15 years ago

Thanks for posting this, Oliver. TsuyaTsuya is one of my favourite artists, I’m not ashamed to say I think it’s great!

15 years ago

J’ai detesté encore une fois, je fantasme sur les femmes de 30 – 40 ans et j’suis grave jaloux que ça m’arrive pas dans la réalité, du haut de mes 18 ans je me fais jeter. j’espere qu’après la mort il y a le hentai world T_T

15 years ago

Great share Oliver, and thanks to Kusanyagi for the translation and Dharmox for commissioning it.

One bit of Warning for those who might be squeamish about such things: There is a bit of scat in one chapter, where the woman has just had anal sex and is trying to squeeze the cum out in the shower and accidentally pushes something else out as well. It is treated as humorous and/or embarrassing, with the woman shouting “Oh no! Please don’t look!”, so it isn’t like there is poo flying all over or anything, but some people may be put off by it regardless of how mild of a scene it is.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. I am a big fan of Tsuya Tsuya. Thanks to Kusanyagi for the translation and Dharmox for commissioning it.
This is going to be a good day.

15 years ago

Stupid mistake. Not Rhud but Ehud.

15 years ago

Oliver, are you sure it’s not 1 volume story? As far as i know, there is only 1 volume.

15 years ago

Why do the Zip Mirrors 1-3 say the file is 69.23 MB and on this page it says it’s 72 MB?

15 years ago

Oliver, i read it again. My mistake

15 years ago

sweet looks good. thx

15 years ago

Really enjoyed this one. Keep them coming.

uncle sam
uncle sam
15 years ago

Sympa le post! Je ne pense pas que je l’ai déjà celui-là. merci

15 years ago

Guys in hmanga showing facial expression is gay. Looking at it is stupid and it is gay.
The faggets/guys in this manga oughta neads a brutal beating. I hate them, they are fucking ugly as shit. Did the artist who made this think we like saying a gay faggy boy face. Those boys should fucking burn in hell. I will pay anyone that can horrificly kill the boys, and kill the guy who made this shit(I like this manga, but the boys are just stupid. a bunch of smiling fagget fuckshit), if not, brutally kick this guy’s ass(no joke, reward: $1000.00) until is crying like a fucking perverted bay that he is.

Men in hentai manga are fucking shitwads that should die slowy in a fire. I think their new purpose is to suffer until they go to hell. No, that’s a fact. I won’t be back, so your insulting comments won’t reach me. I win.

14 years ago

almost all link doesn't work. file removed or something happened. except for hotfile.